Russia Tour Anyone?

Russia Tour Anyone?

Forums General Russia Tour Anyone?

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  • #9187 Reply
    Chris Roady

      I received this via the club inquiry page and thought I would put it up here for any that might be interested.

      Name: Alex Nikonov
      Email: [email protected]
      Message: Hi colleagues from South Coast BMW Riders Club,
      My name is Alex, I am CEO of Rusmototravel, bike tour and rental company from Russia. Every year we have riders from USA that join us for Moscow-Vladivostok (Trains-Siberian Route), Moscow-Saint-Petersburg or other destinations.

      I know you travel with your club. And I know you live in heaven with 350 sunny days (ohh lucky), but still I think one day you may think of going somewhere abroad. When this happens please think about Russia, the largest country in the world with Moscow (Red Square, Saint Basils Cathedral, Kremlin), Saint-Petersburg (Hermitage, Peterhof), Lake Baikal, Siberia, Far East, Elbrus and Altay Mountains, etc.

      As locals we would be happy to suggest you roads, hotels, restaurants and places to see. For sure we can help with visa, rent you bikes (BMW) and you can ride with us in a guided and self-guided tours.

      This year we visited USA, BMW MOA Rally in Des Moines to tell more people what we do. If you visited BMW MOA Rally this year possibly you could see us. If no, we can meet next year at BMW MOA Rally 2019, where we are going to participate once again.

      Would you have any questions about Russia please feel free to contact me.
      Just in case our web site –

      Have a good week and hope to meet you one day.

      Best regards,
      Alexander Nikonov


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