RKA Luggage at Salt Lake City

RKA Luggage at Salt Lake City

Forums General RKA Luggage at Salt Lake City

  • Creator
  • #5692 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      RKA Luggage is very BMW friendly, they have been making bag liners & tank bags in the USA for many years, good quality stuff. They also sell Sena equipment plus other stuff. You owe yourself a visit to the’re website.rka-luggage.com
      This is from the latest RKA Luggage newsletter:


      PRE-ORDER ….. Please call or email us as soon as possible (Some RKA manufactured products may have to be manufactured and other products may have to be ordered a week or two ahead of the rally).
      We will get you on our “PRE ORDER” list for the BMW National Rally.

      You can preorder ANYTHING with NO immediate pre-payment! Just order by giving us a call, your information and RKA will not charge your card until just before we leave for the rally, and your order will be boxed, loaded and on the way. (Will not charge any cards until product is in hand!)

      RKA will install headsets, connect devices, and have the lowest price guarantee in effect!
      Here are some things that may interest you:

      IN-Charge Tankbag:

      Pre-Order your IN-Charge Tankbag.
      There are almost endless addons for the IN-Charge tankbag.

      RKA is now offering a couple of essential addons to our IN-Charge tankbag solution making it even more complete for your needs.

      Now you can add a two port USB connector for $27.95,

      You can add the flat surface X-Grip for $25.49

      For you iPhone 6 & 7 owners, $149.00 gets you a Snow Lizard protective case that is also solar powered and has a 4,000 mAh amp backup battery

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    • Author
      • #5749 Reply
        Brandon Wilson

          I picked up a set of pannier insert bags at the 49er rally. Happy I can stash more stuff and use the strange angles of the panniers much more effectively. Maybe I can drop a bag now from the top side : ) Quality products for sure and great people.

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