Ride to Live Classes

Ride to Live Classes

Forums Ride to Live Classes

  • Creator
  • #14872 Reply
    John Crittenden

      At this time, the Hawthorne PD has December 4th and a January 22nd Classes available for sign up.   The open positions go fast, so enroll as soon as you can!  This is free and very valuable training!

      Here is the link for Ride to Live:  https://ridetolive.com/

    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • Author
      • #14901 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Thanks John, registered for Jan.

        • #14902 Reply
          Sergio Collazo

            Eric, you’re gonna be the ringer showing the motor cops how to get it done. I may take the class just to see ballet on wheels.

          • #14904 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Sergio, if you have a moment, would you check out Rialto PD to see if they have any R 2 L classes coming up?

            • #14907 Reply
              Sergio Collazo

                Will Do John. I will call them Monday and inquire further.

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