Ride List – Thanks Rick C!

Ride List – Thanks Rick C!

Forums General Ride List – Thanks Rick C!

  • Creator
  • #7039 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Just a shout out to Rick C for easing our way to the log into the Ride List! Thanks Rick.

      I am an unapologetic advocate for all members to use the ride list. It just makes ride planning for those few who have volunteered to lead rides, much easier.

      Funny though, I am interested in the “Member” with No Name who indicated they are NOT going to the Christmas Party…….. will not miss you I guess.

      Hope everyone else can make the Christmas Party!!

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    • Author
      • #7042 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Great point re: helping with ride planning. I have had Panamint Springs offer to work with me on preparing a group meal for dinner … I could arrange something if I had a better idea of how many are going to make our Death Valley Ride via the ride list.

        • #7050 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            Karl- Thanks, and that would be Jacob Furgatch. I fixed his name in the list.

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