Return to Baja

Return to Baja

Forums Rides Return to Baja

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  • #18458 Reply
    Harry Hoffman

      Last call for registration for RETURN TO BAJA tour!  Must sign up by Friday, Jan 20th.  Pay room deposits by Jan 27th.

      Itinerary:  2 good riding days from Irv Seaver’s KSU to San Quinine, then to San Ignacio.  Loreto is our stay for 3 nights.  Blue whale watching tour on day 4.  Free day / short ride / 2 Mission churches on day 5.  Gurerrero Negro – Day 6, San Felipe – Day 7, Ensenada – Day 8, and home on Day 9.  The entire trip will be laced with authentic Mexican dishes, and amazing coastline twisties that only Baja can serve up!

      If anyone would like a 5 day option, contact Tony Nguyen 714-904-0068.  He will be riding the same route down to Loreto, then returning north for Day 4 and 5.

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