Past Presidents Breakfast 2-5-22

Past Presidents Breakfast 2-5-22

Forums Calendar Events Past Presidents Breakfast 2-5-22

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    • #15135 Reply
      Vern Shrader

        John, so I guess we don’t have sign up for the past president breakfast event? Not listed on the “ride signup”.

      • #15137 Reply
        Bill Allen

          Vern – There usually isn’t an entry for monthly meetings, right?

        • #15138 Reply
          John Crittenden

            No need to sign up. I let the Black Bear know we would have between 15-25. (We’ll get the Ride Sign Up back up soon).

          • #15154 Reply
            Pete Rissman

              So is there any planned meet-up and ride TO the breakfast and meeting?

            • #15155 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Hey Pete, how about we meet at the Starbucks in Sendero Marketplace, Antonio Pkwy & Ortega at 8am? If we leave about 8:15 we should get to the Black Bear in plenty of time to say HI to everyone.

                • #15158 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    I “MAY” have to cancel my attendance so don’t wait for me. If you leave by 0815 there should be no problem getting to Black Bear on time.

                    • #15162 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        Cancel my last, I WILL be at the Sendero Starbucks about 0800 and leave at 0815 to make Black Bear by 0915. Anyone care to join me ??

                        • #15163 Reply
                          Ron Zablocki

                            Hey Bill – I’ll plan to meet you at the Starbucks by 8am.

                    • #15156 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        As I’ll be coming from Chino Hills, I’ll just be at the Black Bear. Will see if I can put together a ride following.

                      • #15159 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          Here is the proposed ride following breakfast. Anyone can split off at any point if desired, just let someone know!

                        • #15164 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Slight correction to the route, pointed out by Mr. R.

                          • #15171 Reply
                            Pete Rissman

                              Cancel my last, I WILL be at the Sendero Starbucks about 0800 and leave at 0815 to make Black Bear by 0915. Anyone care to join me ??

                              Barring flood, fire, earthquake, or close-proximity nuclear explosion, I’ll be there too.

                            • #15174 Reply
                              Ron Zablocki

                                How many miles?

                                For what?

                              • #15175 Reply
                                Bill Allen

                                  For the ride after breakfast, of course. What else could I be referring to?

                                • #15176 Reply
                                  Leon Franco

                                    Funny you guys are doing the breakfast Is there because BMW has made a film with BMW motor ad and they are showing it at the ranch tomorrow that’s only 2.9 miles from the breakfast place I will attach a Is link to it in case people want to go


                                  • #15177 Reply
                                    Bill Reitz

                                      Bill it’s about 45 miles or so from the Starbucks in Sendero Marketplace to Black Bear.
                                      The ride after is about 145 miles. It ends at the bottom of Ortega so another 45 over the hill to your place.

                                    • #15178 Reply
                                      Bill Allen

                                        Thank you, Bill Reitz.

                                      • #15179 Reply
                                        Ted Taylor

                                          Hey John, are you the only one from the Inland Empire going? I’d ride down with you?

                                          • #15184 Reply
                                            John Crittenden

                                              Hey, Ted. Gilbert is picking me up at 8 a.m. We can meet you somewhere (we’ll be getting on the 71 at Chino Hills Parkway. Text me, as I might not see this again.

                                          • #15180 Reply
                                            Ron Zablocki

                                              For the ride after breakfast, of course. What else could I be referring to?

                                              Who knows – the ride to Starbucks, the ride after…
                                              Anywho… the after breakfast Ride will be about 145 miles according to the posted route, but shorter if you break off earlier.

                                            • #15182 Reply
                                              Bill Allen

                                                Thanks, but Bill Reitz answered the question. I can figure out the distance to Starbuck’s. I just don-t speak gpx (by choice).

                                              • #15189 Reply
                                                Bill Reitz

                                                  Hey John, thanks for a very enjoyable day eating & riding with friends…… even if you did try to lose me leaving Temecula !

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