Panamint Springs Needs Help

Panamint Springs Needs Help

Forums General Panamint Springs Needs Help

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    • #13439 Reply
      Chris Roady

        * Suggestion Box Item for the BoD * perhaps the SCBMWRC could make a donation to the GFM linked above?

      • #13440 Reply
        David Eastly

          Good idea!

        • #13455 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Thanks to the BoD for considering and voting on this suggestion, even though it was not approved.

          • #13487 Reply
            Danny Wassenaar

              Thank you guys for finding out about, and for sharing the hyperlink to the “Keep the Lights On” fundraiser for Panamint Springs Resort. The nicely worded description also includes a video now that explains their plight.

              It’s unfortunate there are, and will continue to be, increasingly more and more small businesses in need of help and support. I personally feel the Board made the correct vote; and, am hopeful that our club members individually take the time to read PSR’s situation and decide for themselves whether or not to donate.

            • #13488 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Thanks Danny and I hope my comment was received as intended. Honest appreciation for the BoD being responsive to a member request.

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