name tag

name tag

Forums Club Gear name tag

  • Creator
  • #11088 Reply
    Bill Schimko

      Hi, sorry if this is the wrong location, but it seems it should be here. I would like to order 2 name tags, ( 2 BMW bikes, thus 2 hat’s , and 2 name tags. I don’t know the price, but whatever it is can I order 2 tags and pay at the sept meeting ?? or just direct me in the right direction and I can/will order and pay via visa. Thanks

      Tag Name Bill Schimko

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    • Author
      • #11090 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Hi Bill,
          John Crittenden is our Membership Chair and the one who orders nametags. He can help you get these ordered. Please email him at [email protected]

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