MotoWhere – new feature downloads GPX Routes!

MotoWhere – new feature downloads GPX Routes!

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  • #12764 Reply
    Joe Alwan

      FYI for anyone that uses MotoWhere. They just added a new feature that I think is pretty awesome. It used to be that when you clicked on “Download GPX” you would get a Track and Waypoints. Now, you also get a Route!

      The GPX Route generation is very good. It converts any labelled waypoint in MotoWhere into a waypoint in the GPX Route – which means your GPS will announce it. It also converts all unlabelled waypoints in MotoWhere into shaping points – which are not announced by your GPS. The GPX Route generation uses every point that was used in MotoWhere to define the route, which means the resulting GPX Route will follow all the same roads and turns.

      I’m still mainly a BaseCamp user. But now when folks share rides with me in MotoWhere, I don’t have to go and manually recreate the route in BaseCamp! Saves a ton of time!

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    • Author
      • #12767 Reply
        Jessie Vaca

          Hey Joe, where you goin with
          Oh sorry, I got carried away. Just logged onto MotoWhere. I’m guessing it’s similar to myRoute?

        • #12776 Reply
          Joe Alwan

            Jimi Hendrix!

            Hey Jessie – I haven’t spent a lot of time in MotoWhere or myRoute. So I’m prob not the best person to compare. I know Erasmo uses MotoWhere because he used it to share a route with me recently. That was the first time I’ve used it. Seems like MotoWhere is a pretty easy way to share routes. I haven’t tried creating a route in MotoWhere. I invested time to learn BaseCamp a couple years ago and now that’s all I use to create routes. But BaseCamp isn’t great for sharing – things like MotoWhere and myRoute are definitely better for sharing routes with other people.

          • #12798 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              Hi Joe – I’m curious how are MotoWhere and MyRoute better for sharing? I think it’s pretty easy to share a GPX file via email or text, or even Bluetooth if the other person has a BMW Nav.

            • #12807 Reply
              Joe Alwan

                Hi Ron – Of course you’re right that there’s nothing difficult about exporting a GPX file from BaseCamp and emailing it to someone.

                I use BaseCamp to create routes and manage my library of routes. But I was introduced to MyRoute-app and MotoWhere when I was interested in access to someone else’s rides – or someone else wanted to share a ride with me. So, I now have accounts for both. You can create routes in MyRoute-app and MotoWhere, but I’ve only used them for sharing. Based on my limited experience, here’s why I said that they are better than BaseCamp for sharing.

                First, both let you share a route by sending a link. The recipient can then view the route online, make it a favorite (MotoWhere), download and import into BaseCamp, etc.

                MyRoute-app also lets you become a “friend” with another user. When you do that, you can view the other person’s entire library of routes. That was very helpful for me when I moved here and wanted to find good roads and rides.

                MotoWhere also has a very cool search function. For example, you can search for “California” and you’ll get a map with all the California rides from all MotoWhere users.

                Bill Reitz is a MyRoute-app user, so he could surely add more details about it. And Erasmo introduced me to MotoWhere, so he may have more to add.

                Both MyRoute-app and MotoWhere are web applications. So it’s easier for them to provide social and sharing features. On the other hand, they also need an internet connection so it may not be possible to use them when you’re on the road. One thing I like about BaseCamp is that it’s an installed PC/Mac application, so I can use it anywhere regardless of whether I have internet.

                Hope this is helpful. Just one guy’s experience and opinion!

              • #12808 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Good summary Joe,
                  For those of us still learning the growing options it really helped me. There is so much to learn about these software applicatins to route plan and share files.

                • #12809 Reply
                  Erasmo Brenes

                    MyRoute-app is based on the old Tyre (same dutch guy, I believe).
                    The MotoWhere seems to be so easy to build routes or look at other users rides and either import them or modify them. Then sharing, as Joe mentions, is a breeze. Joe also found out that MotoWhere allows you to import the “route” rather than a bunch of waypoints, which helps my Navigation V from getting “lost” 🙂

                  • #12833 Reply
                    David Eastly

                      Hey Erasmo, I signed on to MotoWhere. Thanks for the tip! It’s pretty darn user friendly!

                    • #12835 Reply
                      Erasmo Brenes

                        Hi David, glad that MotoWhere is working for you as well.

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