MOA Getaway Los Osos

MOA Getaway Los Osos

Forums Rides MOA Getaway Los Osos

  • Creator
  • #11777 Reply
    Alan DeCarr

      I haven’t been to a MOA Getaway before and noticed that there is one coming up on May 15-17 in Los Osos, near Moro Bay.Looking for any insight as to your opinions on these Getaways as I decide whether or not to put it on my calendar. If anyone’s going, I would certainly entertain leading a group to the event, and/or joining in the ride up and around the area on Saturday. Any and all comments welcome.

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    • Author
      • #11779 Reply
        John Crittenden

          I’ve been to the Cedar City Getaway years ago, but not since. They are a good destination and surrounding area ride. Seeing we just did the Central Coast, I myself will pass on this one, but good chance some others in the Club will do it.

        • #11788 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Hi Alan,

            We went to the Central Coast MOA getaway last year and really enjoyed it. The format is a bit nicer than we ride, Sharon enjoyed the nicer hotel and meals. I enjoyed meeting alot of new people, several from across the country and you just can’t get enough of the roads in and around San Luis Obispo County. We are still not the fence, leaning not going focusing on the national rally, but maybee!

          • #11790 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              I could be up for this!

            • #11793 Reply
              Eric Wolf

                I also went to the Getaway in Cambria last year. The dinner is a nice way to meet folks from all over. In fact, we reconnected at the rally last year in Lebnon, TN. Sat ride is on your own. We found that since we are “local” it was easy and appreciated for us to plan and lead a ride. Extra bonus, since the event is small, there is a good chance you will win something in the raffle!

                I may be up for it.

              • #11794 Reply
                Alan DeCarr

                  Thanks for the replies. I just booked Shirley and I at the host hotel, Sea Pines Resort. Standard king rooms are all booked, but I was able to book a King w/fireplace and view for $159/night +. Looks like a very nice hotel and reasonable rate for that area and resort quality. Our plan is to ride up on Friday, May 15 coming home Sunday 17th. Tentative plans on Saturday 16th is to cruise the Paso Robles wine country with a stop at probably the most scenic winery in that area, Daou Winery. We are members there, so I am able to take a small group in for complimentary tasting. The resort has a 48 hour cancellation policy and only a few rooms left. As we get closer, I will post again to see if anyone is interested in a meet and ride to the event. Ride safe y’all.

                • #11795 Reply
                  Ron Zablocki

                    Hi Alan – Since This is an MOA event, would my wife be able to come along as a passenger without being an MOA member?

                  • #11798 Reply
                    Alan DeCarr

                      Hello Ron. Sorry, I responded earlier, but I don’t see my response so I’ll try again…..I’m sure it was operator error.

                      Shirley is not a member of MOA but the registration form online did allow me to enter her without a member number. They just want your money!!

                      You will need to call the resort and book your room and then sign up for the MOA event separate from the room reservation. When making you room reservation, be sure to let them know it is under the BMW MOA event.

                    • #11804 Reply
                      David Omlor

                        Reservations made for me and Joni !
                        This will be F U N

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