Miramar Air Show Ride

Miramar Air Show Ride

Forums Calendar Events Miramar Air Show Ride

  • Creator
  • #17442 Reply
    Pete Rissman

      Hi everyone:

      My presence is required at work this weekend, so I won’t be able to lead the ride to the Miramar Air Show. This was discussed with my fellow Board members and the decision was made to remove this ride from the Official Club Ride Calendar.

      Of course this doesn’t mean you can’t go to the Air Show if you want to. It’s just no longer an official club ride. Feel free to use this forum thread to coordinate with other riders who want to go.

      Information about the Miramar Air Show can be found here:

      If you are planning to go, I strongly recommend that you read the information on this webpage before you leave:

      My apologies for this change.

      Pete Rissman

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    • Author
      • #17449 Reply
        Pete Rissman

          This is a shameless attempt to get this thread on the Recent Topics and Recent Replies list so this post can be ignored.

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