May South Coaster is HERE

May South Coaster is HERE

Forums Newsletters May South Coaster is HERE

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  • Author
    • #12359 Reply
      Chris Roady

        Another excellent edition, thanks Brandon!

      • #12360 Reply
        John Crittenden

          May I be the first to say, for not having much to include from this last month, you did a bang-up job, Brandon!

        • #12361 Reply
          Brandon Wilson

            @john and @chris, thanks a bunch. Was helpful to have content from Karl and I had a little fun at the current expense of Covid. Still a serious issue but I am optimistic we will come out the other end with more stories and laughs soon ๐Ÿ™‚

          • #12362 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              You make us look good Brando, and that is a fair challenge… well done! ๐Ÿ™‚

            • #12369 Reply
              Brandon Wilson

                @karl haha. Iโ€™m up for the challenge always.

              • #12371 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  Brandon, Yet another very professional looking mag this month, but unfortunately my checkboxes don’t work. I click on them and nothing happens. How can I vote? But don’t worry, no rush, I still have to study the candidates carefully before I make my selections.

                • #12372 Reply
                  Bill Allen

                    Check boxes?

                  • #12373 Reply
                    Brandon Wilson

                      hahaha @Rick, you missed the interactive version? LOL Nice try – we are working on what that will look like soon. Survey Monkey blah blah

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