May 6th General meeting Farm’s House Banning

May 6th General meeting Farm’s House Banning

Forums Calendar Events May 6th General meeting Farm’s House Banning

  • Creator
  • #19484 Reply
    Ed Taylor

      For the May 6th meeting,  we have the back room reserved at the Farm’s House 6261 Joshua Parker Way Banning.  951-845-4400 at 11:00 AM  This room is large enough for our growing club and quite enough so that we can hear our president.

      Our meeting place is the Starbucks 3950 Pierce St. Riverside.  Exit the 91 East at Pierce  turn Left and go under the freeway,    Starbucks is tucked into the North West corner of a small shopping center. A gas station shares the same shopping center.  Pierce offramp is a few miles East of the 15 fwy. Lets meet at 9:00 AM and be ready to leave no later than 9:30 AM.

      We get on back the  91 East and will ride past Loma Linda and  through San Timoteo Canyon in Redlands.  Turn Left at Live Oak, drive through Oak Glenn to Banning.  It’s not Apple Picking Season, so Oak Glen should be a present drive.  If we don’t have to wait for a train in San Timoteo Canyon we should make it to the Farm’s house with a few minutes to spare.

      I drove the “before meeting” route today and was blown away by the green hills and the snow capped mountain ahead of me.   The manger told me that most come for the country fried stake.  I am told we will be well taken care of by the Farm’s House staff.  am sure we will have a great turn out.

      After the meeting we have several options, either riding the Pines to Palms highway Palm Springs to Banning. Or highway 243 through Idyllwild, through Anza to 79 and home.

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    • Author
      • #19486 Reply
        Ric Magrath

          Sounds great Ed, signed up straight away after reading your enticing preamble.

        • #19549 Reply
          Pete Rissman

            Rode my RT about 60 miles today. First time I’ve been out on it since April 11th when I broke 3 ribs in a work accident. I’m glad to report that the ride was almost pain-free and what little ache I did experience wasn’t the result of or aggrivated by riding.

            So I’ll see y’all on the 6th!

          • #19557 Reply
            Ed Taylor

              The May 6th meeting and ride is just around the corner.  Our meeting is in Banning at 11:00 at the Farm’s House. We have the back room reserved for us at the Farm’s House 6261 Joshua Parker Way Banning.  951-845-4400.  Good parking behind the building.

              It looks like the weather will be perfect for this weekend.  Palm Desert (our potentially hottest spot on the ride)  is projecting  a high of 76 degrees.  We all know what the weather could be in Palm Springs and Palm Desert. The next few days of clouds and possible rain should set us up for a good Saturday.

              Before meeting Ride:

              Starbucks 3950 Pierce St. Riverside. ( very close to Corona)  Exit the 91 East at Pierce  turn Left and go under the freeway,    Starbucks is tucked into the North West corner of a small shopping center. A gas station shares the same shopping center.  Pierce offramp off of the 91  is a few miles East of the 15 fwy. Lets meet at 9:00 AM and be ready to leave no later than 9:30 AM.  This is a good gas stop, you will need a full tank for the days activities.

              We need to leave at 9:30 to arrive at the Farm’s house  a few minutes before 11:00.

              If we can hold the meeting and lunch to 1 hour 30 minutes we can be back on our bikes for the great ride we have planned for after the meeting  the Palms to Pines Highway.

              After meeting ride:

              We will head East on the 10 Fwy.  to Monterey Ave. Palm Desert.  Monterey connects with Highway 74 in  Palm Desert, the Palms to Pines Highway.  We will take  74, past 371 that goes to Anza, Past Hemet Lake to Mountain Center.  we till transition to Highway 243 through Idyllwild. If you continue in 74 you end up in Hemet.   Highway 243, when it is open (it’s open today) is one of California’s great motorcycle roads.

              The official ride will end in Banning, close the the Farm’s House.  Total after meeting ride is 107 miles and should take 2 hours 15 minutes.  Arriving back in Banning at 2:35.  From there every one can find their own way home.

              We may take a vote and decide to do the after meeting ride in reverse.  The advantage to reversing the ride is that some may decide to peal off early and take 74 into Hemet or 371 into Anza.  Personally I like  riding out to Palm Desert first. Its is less traffic on the 10 earlier in the day , and being closer to home at the end of the ride.

              Here are the GPX routes  Thanks to Ron Z for his help


            • #19560 Reply
              Dan Burtt

                I will be unable to attend this event.

              • #19604 Reply
                Ed Taylor

                  It’s raining now, but this weekend weather looks good.   Banning is expected to be 65 degrees, Idyllwild is expecting light snow today but clear Friday and Saturday with a high of 54 degrees Saturday.    Lets get one more “spring” ride in before the weather turns.  See you all, except, Dan Burt,  Saturday!

                • #19638 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Super excited for this springtime ride.  The skies, desert, mountains, colors should be spectacular.  Not to mention the great people!

                  • #19650 Reply
                    Kevin Friel

                      Super excited for this springtime ride. The skies, desert, mountains, colors should be spectacular. Not to mention the great people!

                      I will not be able to make this ride either.
                      Hope to see ya’ll on the next one.
                    • #19667 Reply
                      Eric Wolf

                        Great ride and brunch!!  Thanks Ed and Ron for working routes and making reservations.  Who knew that it could be green in Riverside???!!!

                        And thanks South Coasters for coming out, for the energy, humor, safe riding, and creating more fond memories.

                      • #19668 Reply
                        Ron Zablocki

                          Agreed! 👍

                        • #19669 Reply
                          Ed Taylor

                            All that green turns brown in a week! Good to see it while you can.


                          • #19670 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              Hope all is going well with your wife, Ed.   Our best to her!

                              Nice ride and fun group, as usual!   Four of us rode to DHS following the meeting, and Ric and I Coddiwompled the giant spider!  (I swear it looks like someone is kneeling/praying to the lower right of the spider).

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