March 2019 South Coaster

March 2019 South Coaster

Forums Newsletters March 2019 South Coaster

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    • #9932 Reply
      Jacob Furgatch

        Karl – As usual great job on the newsletter. And your misspelling of my last name is a new one for me. I had an uncle who for fun collected misspellings of our last name on pieces of mail sent to him. I will have to add yours to the list!

      • #9934 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Sorry Jacob! I have to look it up every time. Will work in it!

        • #9935 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Nice one Karl, thanks.

          • #9936 Reply
            Bill Allen

              What would an edition of the SouthCoaster be without a misspelled name? They are like Easter eggs!
              🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

            • #9938 Reply
              Chris Roady

                ohhh … and what a mis-spelling it was :-0 I’m guessing your Uncle never got that one on a piece of mail 🙂

              • #9959 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Great, Karl, thanks.

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