Los Osos MOA Getaway: May 14 – 16

Los Osos MOA Getaway: May 14 – 16

Forums Rides Los Osos MOA Getaway: May 14 – 16

  • Creator
  • #14165 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hi South Coasters!
      Apparently a room at the Sea Pines Resort opened up. So if you are interested in going to the Los Osos MOA Getaway, now is your chance to sign up. Call the hotel, (805) 528-5252, to reserve your room. And call the MOA to reserve your spot, (864) 438-0962.

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #14166 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          More details are on the calendar, https://scbmwrc.com/event/los-osos-moa-getaway/.

        • #14167 Reply
          Sergio Collazo

            I just booked it! Sue and I will be attending.

          • #14168 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Excellent! Were there any other rooms available?

              Please sign up on the ride list. Thanks

            • #14169 Reply
              Eric Wolf

                Thank you Willis for informing me of the open room!

              • #14170 Reply
                Sergio Collazo

                  Rooms for May 15th are not available. I am signed up to ride list.

                • #14179 Reply
                  Willis Ho

                    Got call from Sea Pines about the overbooking saturation at the hotel, no room will be available on May 14/15. Howard and I will not go to the event.

                  • #14184 Reply
                    Ray Santos

                      Hi Eric ,
                      I decided to pass on this ride. Preparing for the June MOA.

                    • #14240 Reply
                      Eric Wolf

                        Hi Los Osos South Coasters!
                        Please confirm attendance. I have:
                        Alan D
                        Bill P
                        Ray S
                        Sergio C
                        Eric W
                        Any others? Thanks

                      • #14241 Reply
                        Sergio Collazo

                          Confirmed. My wife will be driving up. If there are other spouses who don’t ride, my wife is available to carpool up.

                        • #14244 Reply
                          Alan DeCarr

                            Confirmed for the event.

                          • #14310 Reply
                            Sergio Collazo

                              Hi Eric, can you confirm departure time and location on the 14th? 9am arrival, 9:30am departure from Panera’s in La Canada correct?

                            • #14312 Reply
                              Eric Wolf

                                Hi Sergio,
                                We will meet at the Panera Bread in LaCanada. Kick stands up at 9:00. I’m working on gpx files now and will post them soon.

                            Viewing 11 reply threads
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