Laughlin, NV Ride

Laughlin, NV Ride

Forums Calendar Events Laughlin, NV Ride

  • Creator
  • #897 Reply
    Dale Sprosty

      I changed the ride venue to Laughlin for the March 11-13th ride. Several South Coasters made this trip about 8-9 years ago and had a really good time. I have reserved 10 rooms at the Pioneer Hotel and Casino ( 1 is obviously taken) leaving 9 available. Call the Pioneer to reserve one of the 9 rooms at 1-800-634-3469. The reservations are in my name and the rate quoted was $51/night. I will post ride route as we get close to the date. Let me know as well if you are planning on attending.

      Laughlin Calendar Event

    Viewing 28 reply threads
    • Author
      • #1040 Reply
        Tom Hooper

          I have booked my room at the Pioneer. Looking forward to a great ride

        • #1105 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            Is this still on? I see Bill R cancelled it on FB.

          • #1118 Reply
            Dale Sprosty

              It is still on Rick C. I contacted Bill R to put it back on our facebook web page. Not sure why it was taken off in the first place.

            • #1120 Reply
              Michael Pirosh

                I made my reservation. Looking forward to it.


              • #1121 Reply
                Bill Reitz

                  WOW !! I guess some of you do read the Facebook site. I changed the FB event from private to public then deleted the private event, that must have been the notice some got. I’ll try to post it right from now on.

                • #1123 Reply
                  Dale Sprosty

                    You’re doing a great job Bill. Thanks.

                  • #1210 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Everyone that is going, did you get the room reserved in your name with a credit card to cover it ? Dale will not be able to attend this ride and will cancel his room so I want all going to recheck they will have a room when we arrive.

                      • #1211 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          Bill, I had planned on going but have to cancel. My bike is out of commission for a while.

                      • #1212 Reply
                        Bill Reitz

                          Sorry to hear that Mark. Hopefully it won’t be another nine years till we go back. 😁

                        • #1218 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            I need a list of all going on the Laughlin Ride please, got something planned for Saturday breakfast. If you know of someone not on this list please post their names.

                            So far:
                            Karen & Bill
                            Diane & Bob
                            Mike Pirosh
                            Lisa & Rick
                            Sharon & Karl
                            Tricia & Larry
                            Tom White & tentatively Chris
                            Paul Nelson (what, no Gale ??)

                            • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Bill Reitz.
                            • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Bill Reitz. Reason: added people YAY !!
                            • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Bill Reitz.
                          • #1231 Reply
                            Erasmo Brenes

                              I’ve not been able to make my reservations yet. I’m planning on going. Hopefully, I can still get
                              the group rate.

                            • #1233 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                Actually Erasmo $51 a night was the regular price, there was no group rate. Total of $114 and change for two nights. Ask for a ground floor room to keep an eye on your bike.

                              • #1248 Reply
                                Bill Reitz

                                  OK people, attached are the GPX routes for the three days. I made them in TYRE so if anyone has trouble let me know and I will try to work with you to get them loaded.

                                • #1337 Reply
                                  Michael Pirosh


                                    I re-conformed my room and asked for a ground floor unit.

                                    Looking forward to it!


                                  • #1408 Reply
                                    Paul Nelson

                                      As per Mr.Reitz’s request I am postingt that Paul Nelson will be attending.

                                    • #1409 Reply
                                      Bill Reitz

                                        Karen wants to know if Gale is going, so we can relive the last time we went ?????

                                      • #1487 Reply
                                        Richard Catarineau

                                          Hey Bill,

                                          We’ll meet you for lunch in Twentynine Palms.

                                          Where is lunch and when do you expect to get there?

                                        • #1488 Reply
                                          Michael Pirosh


                                            They’really predicting rain for Friday. If it is raining, are you still going to Laughlin?

                                          • #1489 Reply
                                            Bill Reitz

                                              Mike the weather app I have shows no rain in Laughlin all weekend but we may ride into rain on the way home. The ride is rain or shine. You got that RT for it’s better protection.

                                              Rick we will stop for gas in 29 Palms at a Mobil station, the address is 73777 Twentynine Palms Highway. There are mexican & pizza/subs places next to the Mobil. We should be at the gas between 12:30 & 1.

                                            • #1513 Reply
                                              Bill Reitz

                                                Mike I sure hope you don’t let the “threat” of rain stop you from this ride. The weather I’ve seen shows Friday rain late in the day, by then we’ll be in Laughlin. Coming home shows “chance” of rain but we should be home by 2 to 3 PM.
                                                60’s from here to Twentynine Palms then 70’s & 80’s till we return to Hemet.

                                              • #1514 Reply
                                                Michael Pirosh

                                                  Bill, I will be there come rain, shine, sleet or snow
                                                  Just no ice–ice capades are not my cup of tea

                                                • #1549 Reply
                                                  Erasmo Brenes


                                                    I’ll be leaving later on Friday (after 1pm) and meet-up with Karl. See you at the Pioneer.

                                                  • #1550 Reply
                                                    Bill Reitz

                                                      Thanks for the heads up Erasmo, see you in Laughlin.

                                                    • #1555 Reply
                                                      Erasmo Brenes

                                                        Back at home. Had a great time! Thanks Bill for taking this ride and leading it. Also thanks to everyone that came, you guys made it a great adventure. The Mobil station on Route 66 was a treat,
                                                        and we got to see 3 old-western shoot-outs in Oatman, Az. Looking forward to the multitude of pictures
                                                        and a nice report for the newsletter 🙂

                                                      • #1556 Reply
                                                        Bill Reitz

                                                          Karen & I got home from Laughlin at 6:30, woulda been sooner but we stopped at Hell’s Kitchen for a hot chocolate and Karen put on her electric gear.
                                                          A fun weekend wih a GREAT group to ride with. We got to see three gunfights in Oatman, timing is everything.

                                                          I got 651 Club miles for the participants.

                                                        • #1557 Reply
                                                          Michael Pirosh

                                                            A very fun ride thanks to Bill for leading..The little burros were very.picturesque and made for some good photos. The windy ride after Oatman was great. Our fellow riders were, as always, lots of fun And great weekend!!

                                                          • #1558 Reply
                                                            Richard Catarineau

                                                              A great weekend. Oatman was a highlight for sure. Can’t wait to see the group shot around the Route 66 sign.

                                                            • #1559 Reply
                                                              Larry Troffer

                                                                Bill Reitz did another remarkable job of organizing and leading a great trip. Trish and I enjoyed the weekend, the company and the ride. Thank you Bill.

                                                              • #1560 Reply
                                                                Bill Reitz

                                                                  Well Mike, I got you home without getting wet the whole weekend. Never believe the weatherman !! Just a few gentle breezes on Hwy 62 going and coming to remind you of the fun we have riding.

                                                                  Larry, Erasmo thank you for the nice words. These kinds of rides are as much fun to research as they are to lead.

                                                                • #1582 Reply
                                                                  Bill Reitz

                                                                    Did anyone get a picture of all the bikes lined up in front of the Oatman Hotel ?? I just realized I didn’t.

                                                                  • #1235 Reply
                                                                    Bill Reitz

                                                                      Two nights at the Pioneer Hotel & Casino in Laughlin, March 11 to 13th This is an older hotel, you can still get a room with your bike parked right outside. Rate is $51 a night for a total of $114 and change. ASK FOR A GROUND FLOOR ROOM !

                                                                      There is a surprise planned for Saturday breakfast so I need everyone going to add your name on the CALENDAR FORUM so I can get a count please.

                                                                      We will leave from the Mission Starbucks at 10am on Friday, that should give all the traffic a chance to clear out. We’ll go over Ortega then across the valley thru Hemet to the 10 & 62. Gas and lunch in Twentynine Palms then head over Amboy Road to Route 66, I-40, and Needles Hwy into town.

                                                                      Saturday 0830 meet in the parking lot then head to Harrah’s for breakfast. Then we travel back in time following Route 66 again thru Oatman and up to Sitgreaves Pass then to an old Mobil Station that ran out of gas about 50 years ago. We travel back into Oatman and spend time looking for treasures and feeding the wild burros and, maybe, watching an old west gunfight.We’ll be back in Laughlin in time for the gamblers in the group to win the big jackpot and the rest of us can stroll along The Riverwalk to check the sights.

                                                                      Sunday 0900 we head home keeping on old Route 66 to Roy’s in Amboy then back to Twentynine Palms and on home.

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