Kings Canyon/Sequoia Weekend Camping Update

Kings Canyon/Sequoia Weekend Camping Update

Forums Calendar Events Kings Canyon/Sequoia Weekend Camping Update

  • Creator
  • #12978 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Good News!Β  Β  Β  We were informed a couple of days ago that the National Parks campgrounds closed and our reservations were canceled.Β  Β Some of us couldn’t deal with this situation maturely and cried like babies, and some of us came up with a solution after crying.

      We now have camping available for about 12 tents!Β  Β  This will be at Lemon Cove RV Park, about 10 miles from Three Rivers.Β  Β  You can check out the website for Lemon Cove—there is a pool, showers, decent restrooms, and some shade if needed.Β  Β  Β  Don’t know about local restaurants, that will be up to each.Β  Β I personally will be dining in front of my tent.

      So, this is for CAMPING.Β  Β Β  If you wish to camp, please list your names below or update on this post.Β  Β We have three sites booked, 3-4 tents per site, which includes one “platform” site.Β  Β Max of 18 people, 9-12 tents.Β  Β  Β  All else is the same on the original post.

      1. Β  John Crittenden
      2. Β  Dave Eastly
      3. .
      4. Karl/Sharon W.

      5. .
      6. Diane/Erasmo

      7. .
      8. Steve Leo

      9. .
      10. .
      11. .
      12. .
      13. .
      14. .
      15. .

      We will endeavor to keep the cost the same as originally, $15 per person per night—-that may change a bit, but shouldn’t be more than that!

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    • Author
      • #12984 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Thanks John – I’ll go ahead and update the route files to add the Lemon Cove RV Park.

        • #12986 Reply
          Erasmo Brenes

            Thanks for setting up a new site. Diane and I are in (one tent). Thanks.

          • #12988 Reply
            David Eastly

              Going!! I’m guessing I won’t need my heated vest?!?

            • #12989 Reply
              John Crittenden

                NOTICE: If we do not fill up the camping by Wednesday morning, I will be cancelling one of the sites, so please, if you are camping, let us know sooner rather than later.

              • #12992 Reply
                Karl Wagner


                  Steve Leo posted he is going to camp on the other thread, FYI.

                  Got to love my LD Comfort and a cooling vest!!!! πŸ™‚


                  • #12993 Reply
                    Harry Hoffman

                      Hi John,
                      Thanks for the update on the new camping site. I will be attending the ride and I’m really looking forward to my first glimps of Kings Canyon and a great weekend! Before this Post however, I already made reservations at a nearby Airbnb close to Lake Kaweah. See you all on Friday morning!!

                    • #13001 Reply
                      Harry Hoffman

                        Karl Wagner,
                        Cooling Vest?? I’m interested! What brand is it and how does it work? Do you simply dunk it in cool water then wear? Basically, I’m looking at options and it’s great when others have recommendations. Thank you in advance. -Harry Hoffman

                        • #13002 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            You will get several input on this question. We have the cooling vests from Cycle Gear, we carry an appropriately sized dry bag with them on trips. When needed we toss the vests in the dry bag, fill with water and soak up the water for a few minutes. Then drain, lightly wring out and wear.

                            There are several brands of cooling vests, but I anticiapte the most expensive to the least expensive ones have maybe 5% improvement.

                            If you want to REALLY improve your cooling, get a shirt and shorts from LD Comfort. David Eastly refered me to these at the 2015 MOA Rally and to date it is the best product reference I have ever received, from a pretty good guy to match. We wet the shirt and shorts and it is pretty amazing the effect, combined with the cooling vests.

                            You have to order LD Comfort items on line, no local sales that I know of.

                            Either way get a cooing vest and do not wear cotton, it does not breath!

                            See you in Lemon Grove!

                            • #13004 Reply
                              Ed Taylor

                                Karl, Great advise. I just sharing, Death Valley recorded 130 yesterday. The hottest recorded temperature anywhere on earth in the last 100 years. See you and Sharon in Sequoia Ed

                                • #13005 Reply
                                  Karl Wagner

                                    Ed, I saw the 130 degree DV news…….. so at 105 we will be chilly, right???? πŸ™‚

                                    See you Friday evening!

                                • #13016 Reply
                                  Harry Hoffman

                                    Thanks Karl & Mark for the Cooling Vest ideas. I’m definitely going to check into the LD Comfort. Looks “cool”! (Yeah, I couldn’t help myself). πŸ™‚

                                • #13013 Reply
                                  Mark Borgeson

                                    Cooling vests are awesome. You get them wet with cool water. They basically work by evaporation – maybe 10 degrees once moving. They last for an hour or two and then need to be soaked down again. There’s another type of vest that uses ice pack inserts. These work a lot better but you need a freezer and once they are used up they need to be frozen again.

                              • #13000 Reply
                                Bill Allen

                                  Good job, John!

                                • #13003 Reply
                                  Eric Wolf

                                    Hi All,
                                    I just added myself back onto the ride/camping list for KC/S. I’ll bring my air conditioned skivvies πŸ™‚

                                    John, thanks for rescuing this.

                                    • #13006 Reply
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        “Air Conditioned Skivees”……….. Reminds me of Bikrams icebox cooled vest……. That pool is going to have to stay open later than 10pm! πŸ™‚

                                    • #13007 Reply
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        Hey John C,
                                        Regrets, but Sharon faded with the weather report…. πŸ™ I will be solo. .
                                        I will be doing a dirt/pavement route up to Lemon Cove Thursday/Friday or all on Friday…. still putting plan together. So see you near dark on Friday evening in Lemon Cove when it cools down……. well, “cooler”… see you in the pool!

                                      • #13008 Reply
                                        John Crittenden

                                          Great, Eric.
                                          I’m canceling site #3, as I’ll be working out of town the next couple of days, and it doesn’t look like we have any more campers. There still will be room on the two sites we have.

                                          • #13009 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              John, I see 8 tents registered above, 4 per site already, is that not the max/site?

                                              • #13012 Reply
                                                Karl Wagner


                                                  Two out, down to six in tents, you are prophetic! πŸ™‚

                                            • #13010 Reply
                                              Erasmo Brenes


                                                After looking at the weather forecast for Lemon Cove (100s), Diane and I have decided not to camp. We’re looking for
                                                a hotel in Visalia (none available in Three Rivers).


                                              • #13011 Reply
                                                Ed Taylor

                                                  Erasmo, You might try Comfort Inn in Three Rivers again. I know of a few cancellations earlier today. You might get lucky! Ed

                                                • #13014 Reply
                                                  Erasmo Brenes

                                                    Hi Ed,
                                                    Thanks for the info. We’ve already got a room at the Comfort Inn Suites in Visalia. It is a short ride to the
                                                    Lemon Cove campground so we’ll meet the group there at nite, when the temps are more reasonable :-).

                                                  • #13017 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      Too late to cancel one of the two spots we still have. So, we’ll just keep the two sites and hopefully have some trees to set up under!

                                                    • #13025 Reply
                                                      Karl Wagner

                                                        Got home at 7pm tonight, took the “Long Way Home” with Eric and Harry so Eric could bag two passes on the way home, Sherman and Walker. Great finish to a good weekend of riding and camping. Thank you Bill for setting up the weekend and to Ron, John and Eric for leading groups.

                                                      • #13028 Reply
                                                        John Crittenden

                                                          Thanks, Ron, for putting this together! It is like herding cats, isn’t it!

                                                          Steve L, David E., Erasmo, and I rode Yokohl Road from Lemon Cove, then the straight hot

                                                          shot home. I got home about 3pm and hit the showers! Thanks to all for a good time. And, the camping was pretty good, although not in the Park. The showers and pool helped keep us cool!

                                                          Bill Allen, this one’s for you—wish you could have been there!

                                                          • #13031 Reply
                                                            Ron Zablocki

                                                              Actually John – I think herding cats is much easier.

                                                          • #13032 Reply
                                                            Eric Wolf

                                                              Super thanks to Ron, John, and Bill for all the prep work! And, actually, staying at the campground with showers and pool was a bonus after long, hot days of riding. Great roads and great friends.

                                                            • #13033 Reply
                                                              Ed Taylor

                                                                Karl, So tell me about Sherman Pass. Its been several years since I have been across. I always felt like maintaining Sherman pass was an afterthought. Ed

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