June 2019 South Coaster

June 2019 South Coaster

Forums Newsletters June 2019 South Coaster

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    • #10562 Reply
      Danny Wassenaar

        Kudos Karl, and thank you! You are a man of many talents. Great Job with putting together all the photos, writing and editing of this newsletter and the eleven newsletters before this one. You put forth a lot of positive energy, heart and soul into your work and you did a wonderful job. I really do hope you will continue to compose and take pictures for the club in the future. Of all the Board positions, I think this one is the most difficult as it requires to be done each and every month, the whole year long. The picture of your empty boots is perfect and says it all. The caption should state: these will be hard to fill. You are much appreciated and congratulated for your efforts and service. Thanks again,

      • #10563 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Thank you Danny, appreciate the note. It certainly is a challenge to be editor, and I respect those that came before me, David Omlar, Erasmo Brenes and those before them, kuddos! It is an important role to club promotion and I wish I had had time and energy to move the newsletter to the next level like I had envisioned. I look forward to what Brandon does with it, modernizes it, as myself and more members provide complete content so he can be a true editor. Looking foward to the 19/20 club year!

        • #10565 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Another good one Karl!! Thanks for a yearful (did I made up a new word ;- ) of work with this.

          • #10574 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Great, Karl! Thank you for the superlative job you did this past year on the Newsletter. I look forward to it each month.

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