Irv Seaver BMW Christmas and Holiday Party Dec 15th

Irv Seaver BMW Christmas and Holiday Party Dec 15th

Forums Calendar Events Irv Seaver BMW Christmas and Holiday Party Dec 15th

  • Creator
  • #7057 Reply
    Jim Foreman

      You’re cordially invited to Irv Seaver BMW’s Christmas and Holiday Party Friday Dec 15th from 5pm to 7pm.
      Irv Seaver BMW will be collecting unwrapped toys supporting the Santa Ana CHP office’s CHiPs for Kids Toy Drive.

      Irv Seaver BMW will have store wide specials, prizes and even a special visitor or two.

      Light refreshments will be served.

      Everyone at Irv Seaver hopes you’ll make time to join in the fun.

      Here’s the FB Event Page: Irv Seaver Christmas Party FB Event

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    • Author
      • #7071 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Looking forward to it….. and dinner afterwards near the shop?????

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