Holiday Party

Holiday Party

Forums Calendar Events Holiday Party

  • Creator
  • #11422 Reply
    Rob Tripp

      Please join us at our house for the annual SCBMWRC Christmas Party on December 7th.

      We will be serving turkey, ham, soft drinks, coffee and some fun! BYOB….. With your RSVP, please let us know what side dish or dessert you will be bringing.

      We will be having an optional gift exchange, so if you choose to participate bring a thoughtful gift with a $25 limit.

      Where: Rob and Kellie Tripp’s House
      Address: 1144 Beechwood Dr, Brea, CA 92821
      When: Saturday December 7 at 5:00 (Dinner around 6:30)
      RSVP: on this forum, [email protected] or call Kellie at 708-415-3694

      Rob and Kellie Tripp

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #11423 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Wagner’s are in! Salad and two gifts!

          Looking forward to it!

        • #11435 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            The Reitz’ are in for a dessert and two gifts to steal !!

          • #11436 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Beth and I will be there, early if help is needed.

              We will bring a side dish TBD!

              Looking forward to seeing all!

            • #11437 Reply
              Danny Wassenaar

                Elaine and I are IN; bringing side dish of green bean casserole and two gifts

              • #11438 Reply
                Erasmo Brenes

                  Diane and I will be there. We’ll bring a quinoa salad and one gift.

                • #11459 Reply
                  Jim Foreman

                    I’ll be there with my partner, Laura.

                    We’ll bring a couple bottles of wine.

                    We’ll also be bringing 2 gifts.

                    Jim Foreman

                  • #11464 Reply
                    Jessie Vaca

                      Brenda and I will attend Side dish and 2 gifts

                    • #11472 Reply
                      David Eastly

                        I will be there for the BOD meeting and the first hour of the party, but sadly I have to leave for work around 6pm. I won’t be having dinner, but I will bring a bottle of wine.

                      • #11474 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Bummer David, are you working at the park or DTD?

                        • #11485 Reply
                          Rob Tripp

                            Dave, we’ll give you a fill of wine before you leave.

                          • #11486 Reply
                            David Eastly

                              It’s a private event, Karl. I will be playing at Downtown Disney on Sunday evening. And thanks, Rob. I’ll accept your offer….

                            • #11488 Reply
                              Karl Wagner

                                Thanks David, will look at the calendar for Sunday, but not sure if I can get a pass for getting into the OC two days in a row…. :0

                            Viewing 11 reply threads
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