General Meeting, July 11, 10:30 a.m. The Oaks

General Meeting, July 11, 10:30 a.m. The Oaks

Forums Calendar Events General Meeting, July 11, 10:30 a.m. The Oaks

  • Creator
  • #12679 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Join us for the 1st General Meeting of the 2020-2021 Riding Year!     Special gifts for new members, 50/50, breakfast, meeting/greeting, and news for the coming year!   Followed by a ride to Big Bear and environs!

      As we get closer, I will confirm with the Oaks for inside seating. And, for those who wish, we’ll have a ride to The Oaks, 9 a.m.

      Calendar Link   July General Meeting—–The Oaks Restaurant, Angelus Oaks, Hwy 38

    Viewing 25 reply threads
    • Author
      • #12694 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Anyone interested in a trail ride for the adventure bikes post here. We will pick trails to accomodate the skill level of anyone who wants to go off road.

        • #12715 Reply
          Joe Alwan

            Maybe I’m overly concerned about COVID-19, but not sure I’m ready for indoor dining. Might come after the breakfast and just meet up for the ride around Big Bear.

          • #12717 Reply
            Chris Roady

              You aren’t alone Joe. Numbers are going up in many states and me and mine are continuing to Social Distance.

            • #12718 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Can we bring our camp chairs, order out from the restaurant and meet in teh parking lot, physical distancing? We would be up for that.

              • #12720 Reply
                David James

                  I just joined as a new member and will be looking forward to being there. Any feed back will be appreciated.

                • #12724 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Again, as we get closer to the date, we will see how it’s going, but the parking lot idea will work, I believe.

                    Look forward to meeting our Newbies—-there are a good number this month!

                  • #12740 Reply
                    Ron Zablocki

                      I’ve done indoor dining recently, and social distancing guidelines were in place. I’m good with eating indoors if this is the case here as well. And I have no camping chairs, and couldn’t bring them if I did.

                    • #12747 Reply
                      Bill Schimko

                        on the fence, sorry, i’ll make a final call the day before

                      • #12802 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          I checked with The Oaks today—–we should be good to go for Saturday, at the very least, can get food and have our chairs, etc. outside. I will call them again Wednesday.

                        • #12803 Reply
                          Brandon Wilson

                            I won’t be there. Still in Oregon.

                          • #12804 Reply
                            Bill Allen

                              I won’t be there. I’m still not ready to ride.

                              Have fun!

                            • #12805 Reply
                              Ron Zablocki

                                Hi John – Are you planning a group ride to The Oaks Restaurant?

                              • #12810 Reply
                                John Crittenden

                                  Brandon, Bill A, Bill R========will miss you all.

                                  Ron, I can lead a ride to The Oaks, thence to Big Bear. Say we meet at the Chevron at Green River in Corona/91 at 9 a.m.? If you want, you can bring anyone in your area.

                                  And, before you ask: No, I’m not doing a GPS route—–riding by the seat of my pants!

                                  • #12811 Reply
                                    Ron Zablocki

                                      Hey John – I’m not familiar with that area, any chance you have an address for that Chevron?

                                      And wait, what?? Bring anyone – even someone not on a BMW??? 🧐

                                    • #12824 Reply
                                      Bill Schimko

                                        Hi John, I’d like to join in the group ride, meeting at chevron gas, green river, 9:00 Saturday, is that etched in stone ?? if so, i’ll be there, but could/would you please say for sure !! that’s the time and place ?? thanks, bill

                                    • #12812 Reply
                                      Bill Allen

                                        Ron Z – Green River is the exit off the 91 between the tollroad and the 71. Easy to find. Good meetup place.

                                      • #12813 Reply
                                        Bill Allen
                                        • #12823 Reply
                                          Gilbert Galvez

                                            See you guys at Chevron.

                                          • #12831 Reply
                                            David Eastly

                                              Looking forward to it! I’ll be dining in the parking lot and bringing my camp chair.

                                            • #12832 Reply
                                              Joe Alwan

                                                Hey David, that’s my plan too.

                                                FYI… The Oaks is only outdoor dining and takeout now. They closed indoor dining a few days ago after the governor’s latest order.

                                              • #12836 Reply
                                                Erasmo Brenes

                                                  Is “everybody” meeting at the Chevron at 9am and then driving up to Angelus Oaks?

                                                  • #12838 Reply
                                                    Joe Alwan

                                                      Hey Erasmo – I’m planning to be at the Chevron at 9am. I have no idea how many people will be there. If it’s a big group, we could split into smaller groups for the ride up

                                                  • #12837 Reply
                                                    Ron Zablocki

                                                      The Chevron is optional, you can elect to go directly to the restaurant if you like.

                                                    • #12844 Reply
                                                      Karl Wagner

                                                        Nice to see the group that made the first back in person monthly meeting in several months and to John C for a sweet ride up and back hwy 38, love that pavement.
                                                        The votes are in and Erasmos, “Viva la Revelotion” covid beard won on style points… 🙂

                                                        • #12850 Reply
                                                          Brandon Wilson

                                                            That is one hell of a beard Erasmo! Between that and the Cigars, you are almost a new poster child for a COVID hobby Emmy 🙂

                                                            • #12857 Reply
                                                              Erasmo Brenes

                                                                They were calling the Generalisimo Franco 🙂
                                                                Just need to find me a country that is looking for a Dictator!! Haha!

                                                          • #12849 Reply
                                                            Joe Alwan

                                                              Thanks John C for today’s meeting and ride! Was great to see everyone again. Saw 110.3 degrees on my bike in Riverside on the way home! I think that’s a new personal record! Not sure which I liked better at the A&W stop – the root beer float or re-charging the cooling vest!

                                                            • #12858 Reply
                                                              Erasmo Brenes

                                                                Yes, thanks John C for the meeting and ride. Had a great time. Joe, my bike’s thermometer indicated 111F at the junction of the I-10 and 215. Ouch!
                                                                I videoed our ride back through the R-38. John C, Leon, and Joe in front, plus a short clip of the stop in Big Bear.
                                                                How do I upload them to the website? Or should I load them to Youtube and place a link here?

                                                              • #12859 Reply
                                                                Erasmo Brenes

                                                                  Here is a photo extracted from the video.

                                                                • #12862 Reply
                                                                  Gilbert Galvez

                                                                    Thank you John for leading a nice ride. It is nice to see members going out to attend the meeting even with the COVID issue and a pretty hot day to ride. But still, I have a lot of fun! Looking forward for the next meeting and fun ride.

                                                                  • #12868 Reply
                                                                    John Crittenden

                                                                      Yes, was a lot of fun! In spite of the toastiness. Thanks to all that made it to The Oaks!

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