General Meeting and Past Presidents Breakfast March 4th

General Meeting and Past Presidents Breakfast March 4th

Forums Calendar Events General Meeting and Past Presidents Breakfast March 4th

  • Creator
  • #18578 Reply
    Ryan Gersbacher

      For the March meeting we will be heading to Josie’s Hideout Saloon. We will start our ride at the Starbucks on the corner of Ortega Hwy and Antonio Pkwy in Mission Viejo. Meet at 8am with KSU at 8:30. We will head up and over the mountain via Ortega Hwy to Lake Elsinore. We will then head south to Temecula, past Pechanga to Hwy 76 arriving at Josies Hideout Saloon around 10:30.

      After eating, we will head west few miles where we will turn onto SR 7 taking us up Palomar Mountain. There are several turnouts with great views. Bring your camera. Once back on Hwy 76 we will head back to Temecula and home.

      Starbucks: 30835 Gateway Pl, Rancho Mission Viejo, CA, 92694

      Josie’s Hideout Saloon: 27413 Highway 76, Santa Ysabel, CA 92070


      Oretega to Josie’s Hideout Saloon GPX File




      Joesie’s Hideout Saloon to Temecula GPX File

    Viewing 19 reply threads
    • Author
      • #18582 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Awesome – it’s been a while since I’ve been there.

        • #18624 Reply
          Chris Roady

            The Mt Rushmore pic is hilarious … compliments to whomever created it.

          • #18627 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Oh, for sure!!  Too funny!  Nice work Henry!

            • #18639 Reply
              John Crittenden

                That pic is hilarious!

                Will there be a meet-up spot in Lake Elsinore?  Some of us are coming from the IE.

              • #18652 Reply
                Henry Salari

                  Oh, for sure!! Too funny! Nice work Henry!

                  Thank you Chris and Eric


                  Goat Moto Tours -

                • #18748 Reply
                  Steve Leo

                    We have a group meeting up in Murrieta to ride the back roads to Josie’s Hideout. We will be meeting at the shopping center on the SW Corner of Clinton Keith Rd and Palomar St. It is just west of the I-15. Vern Shrader is going to lead us through the back roads he know so well. Hopefully he has new tires on his bike so no flat tires this time!!!!  KSU will be 8:00 or 8:30. Will post actual time prior to the ride. So far we have 4 bikes.

                  • #18752 Reply
                    Andreas Hartmann

                      Hi Ryan

                      I just signed up, is this for everyone to join in or a closed group?



                      • #18782 Reply
                        Steve Leo

                          Hi Andreas,

                          The General Meeting and the ride to the General Meeting are open to anyone!!  There are two meet-up spots for the ride to Josie’s Hideout. For those in the Orange County, Southern LA County area the meet-up is in Mission Viejo (See location above in initial entry). If you live in the Inland Empire or the Temecula/Riverside direction, there is a meet-up in Murrietta on Clinton Keith just west of the I-15 (Exact location listed in an entry above).

                          Welcome!! We look forward to riding with you.

                      • #18753 Reply
                        Ron Zablocki

                          Hi Ryan I just signed up, is this for everyone to join in or a closed group? Thx Andreas

                          Welcome aboard Andreas – feel free to join us!
                        • #19007 Reply
                          Steve Leo

                            We have a group meet-up in Murrieta Saturday morning to ride the back roads to Josie’s Hideout. We will be meeting at the shopping center on the SW Corner of Clinton Keith Rd and Palomar St. It is just west of the I-15. Vern Shrader is going to lead us through the back roads he know so well.

                            KSU will be 8:30.

                            Let me know if you are going to join us – [email protected] or reply here.


                          • #19009 Reply
                            Eric Wolf

                              I will be there Steve. thanks

                            • #19026 Reply
                              Andreas Hartmann

                                Hi Ryan I just signed up, is this for everyone to join in or a closed group? Thx Andreas

                                Welcome aboard Andreas – feel free to join us!
                                QuoteWill do!
                              • #19034 Reply
                                Travers Bell

                                  Wish I could make it Saturday, but I’m battling a horrible case of food poisoning. I’ll be at the next one.


                                • #19035 Reply

                                    Oh, for sure!! Too funny! Nice work Henry!

                                    Ditto.  Amazing creativity and efforts.  Sadly, I will not be able to attend this special breakfast event.  Seems like a very good location and real hideout.
                                    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Bikram.
                                  • #19037 Reply
                                    Bill Reitz

                                      Home at 3:30, thanks Ryan for a fun route and really good BBQ. Josie’s Hideout is a winner…. as long as you get there early.

                                      • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Bill Reitz.
                                    • #19039 Reply
                                      John Crittenden

                                        Yes, great time and lots of good people!

                                        Thanks, Ex-Subjects!

                                      • #19056 Reply
                                        Pete Rissman

                                          I took a little detour to the Firehouse Que & Brew in Fallbrook on my way home from the GM & PPB to make sure the peach cobbler is still up to my lofty standards. IT IS!

                                          Oy, the things I do for you members! 😉

                                          BTW, The Firehouse Que & Brew has a covered & heated outdoor seating area and we will have exclusive use of as many of the tables as we need for the after-meeting ride on April 1st.

                                          • #19140 Reply
                                            Bill Reitz

                                              I hope you told the BBQ & Brew people we were coming on APRIL 1st, not june 1st. Or was this an April Fool’s joke ??

                                          • #19067 Reply
                                            Ron Zablocki

                                              Thanks Pete – much appreciated! 🍑

                                            • #19102 Reply
                                              Eric Wolf

                                                Great meeting, fun time, good food, friends, and new friends/members!  Thanks Ryan!

                                                I’m looking forward to the cobbler Pete.  You sold me on it!

                                              • #19141 Reply
                                                Pete Rissman

                                                  I’m looking forward to the cobbler Pete. You sold me on it!

                                                  I hate to throw decisions into the mix, but they also have bread pudding on the menu and it’s delicious too.
                                                • #19144 Reply
                                                  Ron Zablocki

                                                    I’m looking forward to the cobbler Pete. You sold me on it!

                                                    I hate to throw decisions into the mix, but they also have bread pudding on the menu and it’s delicious too.
                                                    What’s the decision? Get both! 😜
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