Gallery update

Gallery update

Forums General Gallery update

  • Creator
  • #9686 Reply
    Mark Borgeson

      Lots of great photos have been uploaded to the Laughlin photo gallery.
      They are much better than the ones on our FaceBook Page and there are a few hidden Easter eggs if you can find them πŸ™‚

      Send any photos you want added (or a link to them) to [email protected]

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    • Author
      • #9694 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          Hmmm, Easter eggs. Was it Roady eating a candy bar?

        • #9698 Reply
          Mark Borgeson

            Nope. I put our South Coast BMW club image in 7 of the photos.
            Here’s one. Look at the group shot in front of the Mobile gas station.
            You’ll never find them unless you view the pics on a computer screen.

          • #9699 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Very clever Mark…….
              I found the Egg on the pic of the Leather Shop with the Route 66 sign…….
              Next time you need to cut your face into a pic as if you were there… πŸ™‚
              Or better yet, join us!

            • #9700 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Dirt Rd entrance signs are my favs πŸ˜‰

              • #9701 Reply
                Bill Reitz

                  Missing names: in the Cool Springs line up between Sharon & Karen is Eric Wolf’s brother & Eric. Don’t remember the brothers name. Same for the London Bridge line up shot it would be them.

                • #9703 Reply
                  Mark Borgeson

                    Thanks Bill! (That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say you didn’t remember)

                  • #9704 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      I don’t know his name because he and his brother Eric rode to London Bridge. If he would have been in my group I would INSIST on a full life history to ride with us.

                      How’s that for a reason !!

                    • #9735 Reply

                        Eric’s brother name is Pattrick

                      • #9890 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          Lots of great photos have been uploaded to the Death Valley photo gallery.

                          Send any photos you want added (or a link to them) to [email protected]

                        • #9917 Reply
                          Bill Allen

                            Thanks, Mark.

                            Great job!

                          • #9918 Reply
                            Richard Catarineau

                              Looks like another year of great weather! Wish I was there.

                          Viewing 10 reply threads
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