Ensenada Beer Fest 2019 Mar 22-24, 2019

Ensenada Beer Fest 2019 Mar 22-24, 2019

Forums Rides Ensenada Beer Fest 2019 Mar 22-24, 2019

  • Creator
  • #9192 Reply
    Jim Foreman

      Do you love motorcycling? (Yeah, duh!)

      Do you love adventure? (Same as above, Duh!)

      Do you love Beer?

      If so, I have the perfect trifecta for your springtime desires.

      Please join me as I take a group of awesome riders down to Ensenada for the incredible Ensenada Beer Fest.
      It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen in the USA.
      Gone are the attitudes, egos, and idiots that keep you away from most domestic beer events. Instead, In Ensenada, you have an incredible venue, super friendly people, some of the most amazing beer you’ve ever enjoyed, Music to keep you moving, and a wonderful and festive atmosphere.

      Last year, it was an honor to take several South Coasters down for an incredible time. I can’t wait to do it again!

      Please take a look and find out more at Ensenada Beer Fest 2019

      Please contact me with any questions.
      Beer Fest Ensenada 2019
      Dale Getting Warmed Up

    Viewing 12 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9202 Reply

          +1 Currently showing interest

        • #9259 Reply
          Jessie Vaca

            My brother and I are in!

          • #9260 Reply
            Jessie Vaca

              My brother and I are in!

            • #9830 Reply
              Jim Foreman

                This is still happening! I’d love to see previous attendees and new riders who want to have an incredible weekend as part of this spectacular weekend.

              • #9835 Reply
                Bill Allen

                  Jim – You are using SCBMWRC resources (website and FB page) to promote a conflicting event.

                  Not cool!

                • #9837 Reply
                  Jim Foreman

                    Hi Bill,
                    There are way more members than can all participate in one event.
                    Imagine if they all did.
                    Not every event is to every member’s taste, either.
                    I’m in no way saying, “don’t go to the main scheduled event.”
                    There’s also The GS Giants March Moto Madness happening that same weekend. I don’t plan the dates. I simply make the opportunities available for those who are interested.
                    Already, there are four South Coasters who chose to join me. Many of those before the Borrego Springs event was even posted. I would never think to complain that someone scheduled a club ride AFTER I had posted my event to the club website.
                    I can only accomodate 10 riders.
                    There is no conflict or malfeasence. Only a choice, an offer.
                    I hope you can see it from that perspective.

                  • #9838 Reply
                    Bill Allen

                      I think the BoD should review the club’s policies on this issue. IMO, members should not promote conficting events using SCBMWRC resources. You have a FB page and friends. You should leave the promotion there if there is a conflicting SCBMWRC event. FWIW, the Borrego Springs event has been scheduled since the new BoD took office in July. Yes, the GS Giants event is also an issue. I have recommended to the BoD that they coordinate with you for the 2020 event so there is not a conflict, but you were not able to give me dates for the 2020 event. So, I have to disagree with you that there is a conflict and the malfeasence is using SCBMWRC resources (the website and FB page) to promote a non-SCBMWRC event.

                    • #9839 Reply
                      Bill Allen

                        …and with regards of which event posts first, it shouldn’t matter. The SouthCoaster event should take priority on SCBMWRC resources (website and FB page). Of course, if there is another event that the membership might be interested in, those who are putting the calendar together should take that into consideration. Your Beerfest post did not appear until November, long after Borrego Springs was planned and paid for. This should all be common sense and common courtesy, but I guess not.

                      • #9841 Reply
                        Jim Foreman

                          Hi Bill,

                          As you have asked, I have asked the Club BOD to look into this and render a decision.
                          It pains me to read that you feel I am being disrespectful or discourteous to you or an event you are in charge of.
                          I am not. I’m hopeful this matter will be resolved quickly and without any animosity.
                          I highly value you and your role as a valuable member of the club.
                          It’s my deepest desire to have this resolved amicably and amiably and that we can continue as comrades and friends.



                        • #9842 Reply
                          Bill Allen

                            Jim – it is not a personal thing for me. I like you and the events you put on. I hope to participate in some myself, particularly Beerfest next year. It’s just that I don’t believe it’s right to use the club’s resources (website and FB page) to promote events which conflict with club events regardless which event posts first. I would hope you would attend BoD meetings to discuss future events to help us avoid conflicts.

                          • #9851 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              I have deleted the forum entry for the GS event that was in conflict with the Anza Borrego ride.

                            • #9853 Reply

                                I don’t go to FB. I don’t have an FB account. My source of available events is this website. I don’t have a GS, so GS Giant option is out for me. I am not particularly interest in camping at BS, done that. I would monitor weather conditions and given the choice, I’d rather be in Ensenada!

                                I don’t see much of an issue here. We cross-post events from other affiliated clubs, such as SCMA. Share the love!

                              • #9854 Reply
                                Bill Allen

                                  Bikram – I don’t have an issue with cross posting unless it conflicts with a SCBMWRC event. I thought I made that distinction pretty clear.

                                  Thank you, Karl.

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