El Capitan 2016

El Capitan 2016

Forums Calendar Events El Capitan 2016

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  • Author
    • #1024 Reply
      Bill Reitz

        Karen & I are in for camping.

      • #1025 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          Rick & Lisa are camping.

        • #1026 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Rick you & Lisa are NOT camping, you have a small motel !!!

          • #1027 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Beth and I are in, camping in a small, cramped tent.

            • #1028 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                I sure hope that small, cramped tent doesn’t have a leaky air mattress that took the LOUD air pump to fill it like two years ago. 😁

              • #1029 Reply
                Dale Sprosty

                  Secured my Safari tent for the weekend. Darn it. They’re already set up, electrical supply, and no air pumps required. Lol.

                • #1034 Reply
                  David Omlor

                    “Beth and I are in, camping in a small, cramped tent.”

                    You lucky dog you 🙂

                  • #1037 Reply

                      I’ll be housed in our private tent. Tradition will continue … marinated meats cooked fresh and served hot on site with fine wine after the O’dourves.

                    • #1038 Reply
                      Steve Leo

                        Jan and I are making the short jaunt to El Capitan in our motorhome with bike attached. Jan’s idea of roughing it!!! Someone has to supply electricity to all of you to charge your cell phones!!!!

                      • #1277 Reply
                        Larry Troffer

                          Trish and I plan to go.

                        • #1278 Reply
                          David Omlor

                            Re-confirming that I will be “tenting” again for this most exciting venue.
                            I just hope it is not raining “meatballs” again this year!! 🙂

                          • #2428 Reply

                              I hope I’m doing this right….. This is Jim Wade, aka “the newbie from Temecula”. I would like to join everyone on that ride and camp trip if possible. Please let me know if there is room and/or I need to attend a meeting since joining. Sounds like fun. I would be riding solo.


                            • #2429 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                HI, Jim—-you should be good to go! I saw that you are on the ride list. If you can, the next General Meeting is at 10:30 at Irv Seavers on Saturday, 2 April.

                                It sounds like you will be coming right by Chino Hills for El Cap. Maybe we can ride there if the timing works out.

                              • #2430 Reply
                                David Omlor

                                  For El Capitan weekend:

                                  * Is there a ride leader?
                                  * Meet-up time and location?
                                  * Ride plan for Saturday?

                                  I guess we can wait for the General meeting April 2nd for this information if unknown a this time.

                                • #2446 Reply
                                  Steve Leo

                                    I will be bringing lot’s of firewood so make sure you bring the s’mores!!

                                    We will be going up Friday morning and should be there by 10:30. Only a 90 minute drive for us. If anyone else is going to be there early let me know as Jan and I would like to do a local ride Friday after we get there.

                                  • #2447 Reply
                                    Bill Reitz

                                      Steve you might check on the arrival time for the campsites, I think 10:30 is way to early. Just a heads up.

                                    • #2453 Reply
                                      Bill Reitz

                                        For all who want to ride up on Friday I have put together a route. The distance is 200 miles and about 4hrs & 45mins. we will stop for lunch at the Summit Burger Shack on 150 so this will add to the time but we should be in camp around 4pm give or take.

                                        We LEAVE Spaghettini Grill, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy, at 1000 am. Exit 405 at Seal Beach Blvd and go ACROSS The intersection just past the building on the right and into the parking lot. Please be early or let me know you’re coming and we will wait. breitz8552@gmail will get me.

                                        Attached is the GPX file.

                                        Rick & Lisa, we can meet you at the Moorpark MdDonalds about 11:30 or so if you want.

                                        • #2479 Reply
                                          Mark Borgeson

                                            I’m on the ride list. I’ll be tent camping.
                                            Don’t wait for me at the starting point. I’ll be about an hour behind you all.

                                        • #2461 Reply
                                          Tom Hooper

                                            The Hoopers will be there but traveling separately

                                          • #2481 Reply

                                              4 wheeler here will also come on my own when the bus is loaded

                                            • #2483 Reply
                                              Bill Reitz

                                                Hey Mark, you may catch us since we take a break at the Moorpark McDonald’s then have lunch at The Summit burger place on 150. If you blink you’ll miss The Summit so as you climb onto a plateau look for some trees and tables out front on the right. Both the above places are part of the GPS file I posted.

                                              • #2488 Reply
                                                Bill Reitz

                                                  I added the route home from El Cap with a lunch stop at Flight 126 Cafe at Santa Paula Airport. Check above for the post with the route to El Capitan.

                                                • #2490 Reply
                                                  Richard Catarineau

                                                    I’ll come up Sat night (camping). Lisa can’t make it. The weather looks good.

                                                  • #2514 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      I put together a ride for Saturday, gpx attached. The route is only about 140 miles, 3:20 of riding, and includes:
                                                      Breakfast at Ellens in Buellton
                                                      A bit of a backtrack to Nisqualli Falls for a stroll to the Falls (Beth requested this, and there should be nice amount of water falling)
                                                      If requested, stops in Los Olivos, Fess Parker Winery, and Foxen Vineyard
                                                      Lunch at Woody’s Butcher Block in Santa Maria
                                                      Through Lompoc to 101 and El Cap

                                                      If we leave by 8:30 a.m., should be back to the campsite by 3-4 pm. This is a nice, leisurely ride.

                                                    • #2517 Reply
                                                      David Omlor

                                                        Fabulous! Thank you John

                                                      • #2519 Reply
                                                        Erasmo Brenes

                                                          Hey Bill,

                                                          I’ll be leaving from Irvine at 12noon and will try to connect with the group after the lunch break. Hopefully by the time that you’re in Santa Barbara, if not, we’ll see you at El Capitan.

                                                        • #2520 Reply
                                                          Bill Reitz

                                                            OK Erasmo. Make that 800 fly like the wind and you might catch up to us “touring” riders.

                                                          • #2521 Reply
                                                            Bill Reitz

                                                              While researching Ellen’s for Saturday breakfast on Google maps I found this place kinda across the street. It looks interesting and they host motorcycle club events. Maybe a visit at a later date ??


                                                            • #2522 Reply
                                                              Richard Catarineau

                                                                I’m riding in after work Friday. Save me a tent spot! (small one. Lisa can’t make it)

                                                              • #2523 Reply
                                                                Bill Reitz

                                                                  Hey Rick, you and the words “small tent” don’t go together. 😁

                                                                • #2524 Reply
                                                                  Richard Catarineau

                                                                    Bill, Are you calling me fat? I might have spent 2 weeks in Mexico but all those tacos only added 4 pounds.

                                                                    Besides, I’m bringing the R100RS. It’s too small for the big tent.

                                                                  • #2525 Reply
                                                                    Richard Catarineau

                                                                      Awesome weekend! Great dinner Danny!

                                                                    • #2530 Reply
                                                                      Richard Catarineau

                                                                        More Pics…

                                                                      • #2535 Reply
                                                                        Erasmo Brenes

                                                                          Back home, after a great weekend! Kudos to Danny and Elaine and Steve and Jan for putting the meals, drinks, and appetizers!. Also kudos to all who attended and helped make this camping experience a top notch event! Last but not least, thanks to Bill Reitz for putting a great ride home and to John Crittenden for nice ride on Saturday.

                                                                        • #2536 Reply
                                                                          John Crittenden

                                                                            Echo Erasmo on dinner last night! I ate too much, but that only testifies to the food, drink, dessert, and company!

                                                                            Beth and I had a great time.

                                                                          • #2540 Reply
                                                                            John Crittenden

                                                                              As a reminder, on behalf of Erasmo, would everyone who attended please contribute a para or so on the El Cap weekend for the next Newsletter! Send in to Erasmo with any photos you want to accompany.


                                                                            • #2542 Reply
                                                                              David Omlor

                                                                                Hello Everyone. What a fabulous weekend. Very special Thank You to Karl and Sharon and Mike Romo for waiting at the gas station for me to get my RT started after fueling up. Thank you!
                                                                                This is what I believe happened: In my exuberance to complete the task and remount my tank bag and get going, I failed to properly seat the fuel filler cap. The bike will not start unless the cap is seated properly, and securing the bag partially lifted the opening tab, which tells the engine: do not start!. Of course, with the bag mounted, I could not see anything, but I randomly pushed the bag a bit, which must have released the opening tab so that the engine and computers agreed to allow me to start my bike. Whew – what a lesson!
                                                                                Thank you Karl and Sharon and Mike for making sure I got started before heading on done the road.

                                                                              • #2543 Reply
                                                                                Mike Romo

                                                                                  Yes thanks to all the wonderful people that provided the Friday nite appetizers and making sure that all had a full glass, and s’mores.
                                                                                  The Saturday nite dinner was so delicious and satisfing, that after that meal many of us were ina food coma. Great job!
                                                                                  John C. and Bill R. thanks for the great routes that you guided us thru.
                                                                                  I enjoy the rides but my carpel tunnel issues with my hands makes the twisties difficult. Thats why I usually bail. I am enjoying the ride but my hands pain takes it toll.
                                                                                  I stopped in Ventura on my way home at the Great STEAK a d Hogie shop. Great cheese stak with mushroom hogie.
                                                                                  I had a great weekend ! Thank you Southcoasters!

                                                                                • #2544 Reply
                                                                                  Bill Reitz

                                                                                    Karen and I want to thank John & Beth also for the fun Saturday ride but most of all for getting us into breakfast with minimal waiting. They MUST have recognized John’s Presidential qualities and so ushered us right in.
                                                                                    To the crew that made Saturday night dinner let us also offer our thanks for a job well done.
                                                                                    Another South Coasters El Capitan is in the books and it was a great one.

                                                                                  • #2545 Reply
                                                                                    John Crittenden

                                                                                      Actually, I had little to do with the breakfast time. Beth was the jewel on that.
                                                                                      And, I apologize for the lack of water at Viagra Falls.
                                                                                      I probably should drop out of the race.

                                                                                      David, glad you found the source of the problem quickly, and had the support of other future presidents.

                                                                                    • #2547 Reply
                                                                                      David Omlor

                                                                                        John: You cannot drop out of the “race” because there is no race!

                                                                                        You are the chosen one!! No com petition at all 🙂

                                                                                      • #2548 Reply
                                                                                        Bill Reitz

                                                                                          Nice try John, I knew Beth was the ONLY reason we got to eat early, with that beautiful smile who could resist. I just didn’t want you to feel any worse after disappointing everyone with that dismal display of water in the “falls”.

                                                                                          You still did good by taking us over Harris Grade Road. 😎

                                                                                        • #2559 Reply

                                                                                            To Everyone…..
                                                                                            I wish to thank each and every one of you for making me feel welcome with a smile. I had the BEST time. The food was fantastic and the group, the campsite and people are all first class. I loved the Sunday ride….well except for the heat on the 210. I’m looking forward to the next ride, get together or meeting, etc. (as not to be railroaded into a board position). My parole officer thinks this will be good for me. JK
                                                                                            Thank you all so much…sincerely,

                                                                                            Jim Wade

                                                                                          • #2561 Reply
                                                                                            Dale Sprosty


                                                                                              Welcome aboard!! You will be a great addition to the group!!

                                                                                            • #2562 Reply
                                                                                              John Crittenden

                                                                                                Glad you were able to make it, even for the last of the Saturday ride, Jim! No worries about the Board—-we’ll give you some time to adjust to the idiosyncrasies before you’re railroaded! Lastly, you can check with Dale to see how he gets permission from his P.O. to travel outside of O.C.

                                                                                              • #2563 Reply
                                                                                                Richard Catarineau

                                                                                                  Speaking of Board Members, which one of you is going to be brave and post a gallery of pictures to the site for El Capitan? All you have to do is follow the steps in the Board Members Guide.

                                                                                                • #2606 Reply
                                                                                                  Bill Reitz

                                                                                                    I DID IT !!! I actually followed Rick’s instructions and uploaded 17 photos into the El Cap album. Now if only adding an event and linking to the calendar was that easy. I added more photos provided by David Omlor.

                                                                                                    Good job on the instructions Rick !!

                                                                                                  • #2674 Reply
                                                                                                    Richard Catarineau

                                                                                                      Great job Bill!!! By default that makes you the new Club Photo Officer! And who better? You can add any good ones from FaceBook too.

                                                                                                      Now everyone knows who to send their photos to for the site Photo Gallery:
                                                                                                      BILL REITZ at [email protected]

                                                                                                      … I always knew it would be you Bill.

                                                                                                    • #2687 Reply
                                                                                                      Bill Reitz

                                                                                                        But, but….but I but..????? Huh ?

                                                                                                      • #2694 Reply
                                                                                                        John Crittenden

                                                                                                          I’ll add some photos to the gallery also, in case Bill gets too overworked!

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