El Capitan 2018

El Capitan 2018

Forums Calendar Events El Capitan 2018

  • Creator
  • #7587 Reply
    Jessie Vaca

      Hey everyone, we are getting closer to our dates for El Capitan! Sorry for the bad info on the calendar, I really don’t remember why but for some reason the dates on the calendar don’t match the campground reservations that were made back in November!

      El Capitan 2018 Calendar

      We are looking for a great event, I am looking forward to it because I’ve never been to El Cap! I got some time proven routs from Bill R. That I will share shortly.
      At this time we have 16 people signed up on the ride list. Could you guys let me know who is camping. Please add your names if you plan on camping! So far I have gotten word from:
      Erasmo & and Diane = 2
      Rick & and Lisa = 2
      Karl & Sharon = 2
      Mark. = 1
      Troy & Michele = 2
      John. = 1
      Adam + 2. = 3
      Bikram =1
      Brandon. =1
      Bill Allen =1
      Larry T. =2
      David Eastly =1
      Roady =1
      Leon =1
      Tom H =1
      Total so far = 22

    Viewing 40 reply threads
    • Author
      • #7590 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          Rick and Lisa are camping, in one (big) tent.

        • #7591 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Karl and Sharon are both in, two bikes, one tent….. unless I am in trouble that week!

          • #7592 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              I’ll be there probably by myself. One bike and one tent.

            • #7593 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                Karl Wagner – when aren’t you in trouble???

              • #7594 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Mark B, seems like I am always….. :0

                  Glad Sharon has a lot of grace! 🙂

                • #7595 Reply
                  Adam Ray

                    Are members children invited to camp?

                  • #7596 Reply
                    Troy Stone

                      Troy and Michele Stone camping in one tent. 2 bikes.

                    • #7597 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        Adam, I certainly see no reason not, heck most of us act like kids!

                        Hope they come along!


                      • #7601 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          I will be in. Not sure if Beth is coming or not. One tent.
                          And, Adam, children are okay—-how many are you bringing?

                        • #7610 Reply
                          Adam Ray

                            I’m in for one tent. My wife will drive up with my son either Friday or Saturday for one night. Thanks.

                          • #7611 Reply

                              1 bike 1 tent

                            • #7614 Reply
                              Brandon Wilson

                                Brandon with bike and tent.

                              • #7620 Reply
                                Bill Allen

                                  I’m in! I’ll be in charge of Margaritas!

                                • #7621 Reply
                                  Bill Allen

                                    Adam – Parking a car might be a problem. You may have to unload it at the campsite and park it some distance away. Be prepared for that!

                                  • #7622 Reply
                                    Adam Ray

                                      Hi Bill,… Understood, thanks.

                                    • #7625 Reply
                                      Steve Leo

                                        Jan and I will be there. We have our own Camp Site as we are bringing our motorhome. We will arrive Friday morning and departing on Monday morning. We are in Site 112 – right by the groups sites. Do you need me to bring tables and chairs or ???? like last time? It looks like we are bringing one guest who is a potential member.

                                      • #7632 Reply
                                        Larry Troffer

                                          I plan to go.

                                        • #7689 Reply
                                          Jessie Vaca

                                            I am going to try to attach the maps that I got from Bill R. Plan on meeting at:
                                            Spaghettini at 3009 Old Ranch Pkwy @ 08:30 AOB (Ass On Bike) @ 09:00
                                            McDonalds in Moorpark for people on the north side AOB by 10:30

                                            Please take a look at these routes, I hope some of your guys who have been there before can help lead some of the rides!

                                            FYI we have 3 camp sights in the upper section
                                            100, 102 & 104!!

                                          • #7711 Reply
                                            David Eastly

                                              I’ll be there. One bike, tent and participant. Can’t wait!

                                            • #7737 Reply
                                              Richard Catarineau

                                                Rick and Lisa are camping – 2 bikes, one tent

                                              • #7745 Reply
                                                Chris Roady

                                                  If there is still room in the campground, I’m in with 1 bike and 1 tent

                                                • #7746 Reply
                                                  Jessie Vaca

                                                    I’ll add you!

                                                  • #7760 Reply
                                                    Richard Catarineau

                                                      This is the correct topic for El Capitan 2018.

                                                    • #7764 Reply
                                                      Richard Catarineau

                                                        Is anyone meeting in Moorpark? Above says we’re leaving there at 10:30. I’ll be at the Starbucks in back of the McDonalds.

                                                      • #7765 Reply
                                                        Jessie Vaca

                                                          Hello everyone I have an optional ride suggestion for Saturday fro Steve Leo, looks like a fun ride i am including it in case we decide to try it!
                                                          Looks like we will have somewhere around 20 people on this ride!

                                                        • #7772 Reply
                                                          David Eastly

                                                            Hey Jessie, where and when is the lunch stop on Saturday?

                                                          • #7773 Reply
                                                            Tom Hooper

                                                              Looks like I am going 1 bike, 1 rider, 1 tent, 1 case Pinot Noir
                                                              Tom Hooper

                                                            • #7775 Reply
                                                              Karl Wagner

                                                                A Case Mr. Hooper?? Going light this weekend I see…. 🙂

                                                                Look forward to your campfire stories, get them warmed up!!!!

                                                              • #7776 Reply
                                                                Jessie Vaca

                                                                  Dave,I haven’t figured that out yet, any suggestions?

                                                                • #7777 Reply
                                                                  Karl Wagner

                                                                    My suggestion for casual good Santa Maria style barbecue and more…

                                                                    Rancho Nipomo BBQ
                                                                    Santa Maria, CA


                                                                  • #7778 Reply
                                                                    Jessie Vaca

                                                                      That’s an option Karl, thanks for the suggestion. I was looking at Bill’s and Steve Leo’s suggested routes for Saturday and both have waypoints at Woodys Butcher Block in Danta Maria also! So we can do woodys that gets good ratings or Rancho Nipomo that is also in Santa Maria and gets good ratings! We could also do both! 😉

                                                                    • #7779 Reply
                                                                      Bill Reitz

                                                                        Hi Jessie, My route is the one we rode in 2016 and stopped for lunch at Woodys at Mr. Crittenden’s suggestion so if the food is no good blame him !! 😉 There is no seating inside or out so we all sat on the grass and ate our sandwiches. BBQ tri-tip in Santa Maria or Lompoc is always a big hit.

                                                                      • #7785 Reply
                                                                        John Crittenden

                                                                          In case you would like, several of us are bringing our gloves to play a little catch and bring back some of the good times playing ball!

                                                                        • #7793 Reply
                                                                          Adam Ray

                                                                            Unfortunately, I can’t make it this weekend. Knowing it’s last minute, I’m happy to pay for my part of the campsite. Jesse, please ping me 949-874-7793 to coordinate when free. I’m bummed I’m going to miss this especially since my son hasn’t been camping yet.

                                                                          • #7794 Reply
                                                                            Richard Catarineau

                                                                              Lisa and I are going to ride up early tomorrow. We’ll meet you all at the campsite.

                                                                              And yes John, I’m bringing my baseball glove.

                                                                            • #7795 Reply
                                                                              Tom Hooper

                                                                                I don’t have a ball glove but I have an excellent wine opener 🍷

                                                                              • #7797 Reply

                                                                                  I don’t believe that I will be coming. Haven’t prepared for this trip.

                                                                                • #7800 Reply
                                                                                  Troy Stone

                                                                                    I have been delayed on a boat return trip and Michele and Troy not make it.

                                                                                    Bikes are packed but we’re just leaving San Diego due to a mechanical issue.

                                                                                    Not enough time in a day…

                                                                                  • #7803 Reply
                                                                                    Karl Wagner

                                                                                      Sorry you two did not make it Troy and Michelle, good weekend. To many toys and that four letter word, “work” keeps getting in the way.

                                                                                      See you next run.

                                                                                    • #7804 Reply
                                                                                      Troy Stone

                                                                                        We are signed up and heading to the 49er Rally for sure and hope Michele has a better return trip this year!!! Thanks for the note.

                                                                                      • #7805 Reply
                                                                                        Karl Wagner

                                                                                          LOL, I would avoid that intersection this year!

                                                                                          No planning on doing the 49er specifically this year, but may be on a ride up the state and drop in a visit.


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