Dec 3 2022 Christmas party

Dec 3 2022 Christmas party

Forums Calendar Events Dec 3 2022 Christmas party

  • Creator
  • #17906 Reply
    Sergio Collazo

      Greetings to all,

      Our 2022 Christmas party will be held at Irv Seavers on Saturday, December 3rd starting at 5PM.

      The club will supply entrees, soft drinks and holiday cheer.  This will be a pot luck event.  Our request to all members as as follows:

      1.  Register for event ASAP so that we can get a headcount.

      2.  After registering, please email [email protected] (or text: 949 233 3848) and let us know what you will be bringing.  Available options are side dishes, appetizers, or dessert.  Depending on number of attendees, the ratio of sides to appetizers to desserts may vary a little bit so some flexibility on what we need from our members is humbly requested.

      3.  This is a BYOB event.

      4.  As an option, you may elect to participate in gift exchange (white elephant).  Recommended limited is $20.

      If there are any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly.
















    Viewing 7 reply threads
    • Author
      • #17994 Reply
        Bill Allen

          I just RSVP’d.

          Warning: There may be some tequila present.


        • #18005 Reply
          Sergio Collazo

            I just RSVP’d. Warning: There may be some tequila present. 🙂

            Good plan.  A nice sipping tequila sounds great.
          • #18014 Reply
            Eric Wolf


              Thanks for taking the lead on this.  We look forward to a great event!

            • #18064 Reply
              Sergio Collazo

                Hello Everyone,

                A friendly reminder to please register if you plan to attend Christmas party.

              • #18138 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  What a fun Christmas Party!   Thanks, Sue and Sergio, for all the work you did, and of course to all the helpers!

                • #18139 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Good fun last night at the Christmas party, kuddo’s to Sergia and Sue for leading the charge, all the helper elves, Harry for a fine MC job, Ryan, (aka “new guy” on the board) for his gift exchange wrangling, Pete for the photo booth, Irv Seaver (aka Danny and Elaine) for the use of the facility, and last but not least, Steve Leo for winning the “most gifts stolen” award…. :0

                    Merry Christmas all!

                  • #18143 Reply
                    Sergio Collazo

                      First and foremost, happy holidays to all.  Thank you all for participating.  A special thanks to Irv Seaver for all their support and hosting us in such a marvelous venue.

                    • #18171 Reply
                      Ron Zablocki

                        Pics or it didn’t happen.  🙂

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