Death Valley

Death Valley

Forums Rides Death Valley

  • Creator
  • #11511 Reply
    Jessie Vaca

      Hey guys, I am thinking a hotel room near Death Valley, not many options and the options there are are expensive.
      I wanted to ask how far Panamint Spring is from where you guys will be camping, I might bet a doun=ble room if anyone is interested in splitting and Panamint Springs is not too far.

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    • Author
      • #11512 Reply
        David Eastly

          Panamint Springs is 55 miles west of Furnace Creek, our camping location. Check out Stovepipe Wells, only 21 miles away.

        • #11513 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            If Stovepipe Wells cabins are full try the Longstreet Inn & Casino just over the Nevada line in Amargosa Valley. It’s 38 miles to Furnace Creek, about 40 minutes. The Club stayed there on a ride about six years ago. From Furnace Creek go east on 190, north on 127 which becomes 373 at Nevada line.

          • #11514 Reply
            Jessie Vaca

              Thanks Bill, I was thinking about that place. It is 40 minutes away. The rooms are reasonable though!
              Anyone else considering hoteling it?

            • #11519 Reply
              Jessie Vaca

                I booked a room with 2 beds if anyone is interested in splitting the cost

                • #11559 Reply

                    Jessie, love too but I plannd going with a friend. We are going up with South Coasters and going home on Sunday, work is in the way LOL

                • #11540 Reply
                  Joe Alwan

                    I plan to hotel too. Booked the Longstreet Inn & Casino. Appreciate the offer to split a room Jesse, but trust me, I’m not a good roommate!

                  • #11541 Reply
                    Jessie Vaca

                      Thats cool!

                    • #11544 Reply
                      Joe Alwan

                        Add one more to this ride, and hotel. A buddy of mine from the New England Riders will be in town and will join us.

                        • #11713 Reply
                          Joe Alwan

                            Slight change in plans. My buddy from New England won’t be able to make it. I’m still planning to be there. Just need to decide on whether I’m going on Fri or Sat.

                            • #11812 Reply
                              Joe Alwan

                                OK, finally made a couple decisions. Riding up Sat with Chris Roady. Staying at the Longstreet Inn. Riding back Monday

                          • #11619 Reply
                            Warren Belkin

                              We also booked the Longstreet Inn – we’ll be leaving on Sunday.
                              Will be Elycia and I (on one bike).

                            • #11623 Reply
                              Joe Alwan

                                Hey Jesse – just starting to figure out how the Death Valley trip works. First time for me, so I hope you don’t mind if I have a couple questions. When are you planning to go up and come back? I understand some are going as early as Thurs and coming back on Monday, though most are prob Fri-Sun. Are you planning to meet the rest of the South Coasters at the campground every morning for each day’s ride? Are you also planning to do all the meals at the campground? And, did you register already at the Airheads website? I had no idea that one had to register, but Brandon mentioned it at the meeting yesterday

                              • #11626 Reply
                                Jessie Vaca

                                  Hey Joe, I hope you had a good weekend. This will also be my first Death Valley trip. I have not registered with the airhead people and I wonder what good it does for us if we are hoteling it? I will do Friday to Sunday and I’m not sure if I will go to the campground to participate in their rides, it’s kind of a haul from the hotel. Eating at the casino might be a better option and definitely easier.One of the reasons I wonder if registration is a good idea.
                                  Maybe Brandon or one of the others can fill in the blanks. Sorry I’m not a good source of info on this topic.

                                • #11631 Reply
                                  Karl Wagner

                                    Joe and Jesse,

                                    No value in registering if you are going to stay and eat at the hotel. Just drop by and have fun, drop some dollars in the tip jar if you consume any home brew! Come by and have a look and say hi!


                                  • #11634 Reply
                                    Jessie Vaca

                                      Thanks Karl, that is what I was thinking.
                                      We can possibly ride up with Tony, not sure where the regular group is leaving from or what time.

                                    • #11635 Reply
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        Yes, departure groups were discussed at the BOD meeting, but I am not sure how they are pairing up.

                                      • #11706 Reply
                                        Richard Catarineau

                                          Karl, I’m camping in Death Valley with the Airheads. You too? Anyone else?

                                          • #11717 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              I/we will be camping for sure… hoping we can get a bit more room between tents than last year….. :0

                                          • #11708 Reply
                                            David Eastly

                                              I am, Rick. Aaaaand I’ll be riding my Airhead!

                                            • #11710 Reply
                                              Chris Roady

                                                Me as well Rick, but doing Sat-Monday instead of Fri-Sunday due to Valentines Day on Friday.

                                              • #11711 Reply
                                                Bill Allen

                                                  I’ll be camping with the Airheads even though I will be riding the Oilhead.

                                                • #11712 Reply
                                                  Richard Catarineau

                                                    How about we meet in Ridgecrest for lunch on Friday and ride in through Panamint valley? (But not Chris, who wants to stay home and eat his chocolates.)

                                                  • #11813 Reply
                                                    David Eastly

                                                      Hey Joe, for more information on the Death Vally ride, be sure and check “Death Valley w/ the Airheads” on the calendar events page.

                                                    • #11815 Reply
                                                      Bill Allen

                                                        I’m out. Even though my recovery is progressing well, I’m not quite ready to throw my leg over my bed roll strapped to my rear seat or getting down (and back up again) to get in my sleeping bag. I’m now shooting for Mariposa.

                                                        Have a great time everyone!

                                                      • #11816 Reply
                                                        David Eastly

                                                          Keep getting better, Bill. You’ll be missed!

                                                        • #11817 Reply
                                                          Brandon Wilson

                                                            Hey guys,

                                                            Catching up on the thread. Rick, sounds good. The group going with me is leaving flows at 9 Friday and should be to Ridgecrest by noon. Want to pick a spot? I was going to make it a game day decision.

                                                            Bill, sorry to hear but glad to make it a proper one for you and a speedy recovery.

                                                            Guys, the group with me will be slow. Reason I mention this is many of us are going to be riding older airheads. We have smaller fuel tanks despite our massive engines.

                                                            Keep that in mind. Fuel is our friends as are stretch brakes for the ergonomics. A few years modern bike sure is a Cadillac.

                                                          • #11818 Reply
                                                            Brandon Wilson

                                                              Yes he will be missed Dave. And most of all his tequila bar!!!

                                                            • #11819 Reply
                                                              Richard Catarineau

                                                                How that same Denny’s in the middle of town at noon?
                                                                104 N China Lake Blvd, Ridgecrest, CA 93555

                                                              • #11820 Reply
                                                                Jessie Vaca

                                                                  Are there any routes posted for Friday?

                                                                  • #11823 Reply
                                                                    Brandon Wilson

                                                                      Hey Jessie. I could post one of my old ones but it’s pretty willy nilly. Top of the thread has the deets for meetup and general direction.

                                                                  • #11821 Reply
                                                                    Richard Catarineau

                                                                      Latest update from the ABC:

                                                                      We have rides mapped out, and people who have volunteered to lead rides. Watch the bulletin boards at the registration area.

                                                                      Scotty’s Castle is open BUT you need to get tickets ahead of time. Check the visitors center for details.

                                                                      The T shirts have arrived and are spectacular. If you pre-ordered that is a good thing.

                                                                      We may have keys to the pool at the registration desk. Bring your bathing suit!

                                                                    • #11822 Reply
                                                                      Brandon Wilson

                                                                        Denny’s Rick? Has Texas changed you?

                                                                        Of course I realize we met there once’s first my first ABC rally.

                                                                        Will call you Friday and see if there is a better place. The joint we stopped at for fall colors was sweet.

                                                                      • #11825 Reply
                                                                        Richard Catarineau

                                                                          Brandon, OK you foodie. I’ll be there at noon. Call me. But I already checked. There’s no good BBQ.

                                                                        • #11831 Reply
                                                                          Richard Catarineau
                                                                            • #11834 Reply
                                                                              Karl Wagner

                                                                                Great pics Rick! Thanks for sharing!

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