Come pre-ride San Bernardino Off-Road this Saturday 7-28

Come pre-ride San Bernardino Off-Road this Saturday 7-28

Forums Rides Come pre-ride San Bernardino Off-Road this Saturday 7-28

  • Creator
  • #8586 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Any off-road riders want to run up to the Lake Arrowhead area this Saturday 7/28 to pre-run some roads for the August group ride in that area? Meet at Seaver’s ready to go at 10:30am. Come early if you like to hang out at the club BOD meeting starting at 8:30am upstairs.

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    • Author
      • #8587 Reply
        Brandon Wilson

          Some of us have to stick to pavement 🙁 You go boy! Get that GS dirty!

        • #8588 Reply
          Chris Roady

            and some of us choose to

          • #8589 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Yeah, Yeah, you boys on the tarmac can stick with your gps planning program, the ride this Saturday is to check difficulty and access as well as check out the campsite. Just want to minimize the “Adventure Factor” on the weekend of the ride.

              Come on out on that big bike of your Brandon, we will have fun! :0

            • #8592 Reply
              Chuck Waychoff

                Sounds good Karl – I am in as long as it’s off-road “lite.” Titus Canyon type stuff and/or fire roads are fine. If okay with you, a prospective member with a GSA may join us as well.

              • #8594 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Great Chuck, the roads I am pre-running are intentionally chosen as “Easy” on one or more map resources I am referring to. The group of for the ride in September is mostly new to off road so we want to make sure we do not get stuck on the side of a mountain with a group due to a bad map reference.

                  See you at Seaver’s Saturday, let me know if things change. Cell 626 483-4009

                • #8601 Reply
                  Garrett Nowlin

                    Sounds like fun. I’d love to join. dirt skills are def in the middle of the oh ** and i got this range, but, getting better. I’m on a GSA. I recently did some of the lytle creek trails, Mt. Thomas trail and Coxey road in San Bern Mts, and managed to survive. see you tomorrow at 1030

                  • #8610 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Great Garrett, we are hitting the road at 10:30am from Seavers.

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