Club Planning Session Reminder

Club Planning Session Reminder

Forums General Club Planning Session Reminder

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    • #8429 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        Looking forward to it! Hope we have a bunch of great ideas to plan for, let’s make this a great year!

        If you are unable to make it, PLEASE post your idea for a ride and/or event. We need YOUR help with specific ideas and IF possible volunteer to plan or help plan an event!

        Hope to see you this Saturday!!!
        (Remember, Starbucks coffee and bagels will be waiting….. shameless bribe!!)

      • #8433 Reply
        Chris Roady

          GF Bagels???

        • #8434 Reply
          Adam Ray

            Was this meeting last week?

          • #8443 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              I don’t know how I missed this!

            • #8447 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Good planning meeting yesterday at Seavers, Great to see Adam Ray (new energy!), Bill Reitz (wisdom and history), and Rob Trip (best coniditioning in the club!), as well as your BOD spent many grueling hours knocking out the calendar. Going to be a fun year!

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