Club Picnic July 10

Club Picnic July 10

Forums Calendar Events Club Picnic July 10

  • Creator
  • #14366 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Yeah!   Yorba Regional Park!

      Beth and I will stake out a good, shady spot for the barbecue, festivities, awards, a long talk by the Prez, and overall good times!   Bring outdoor games, and a favorite side dish, appetizer, or dessert to share.  The Club will provide the brats and hamburgers with most of the fixins, the drinks, and we’ll find a volunteer or two to grill the meats to perfection!

      Please sign up on the Ride LIst so we have an idea of how much stuff to get!

      The Park do charge for each car, so be prepared.

      Link to Calendar  Annual Club Picnic & General Meeting

    Viewing 10 reply threads
    • Author
      • #14429 Reply
        John Crittenden

          A friendly reminder——there are only about 10-12 members who have signed up on the Ride List for the Picnic—–we need to have an idea of how many are attending, for the purposes of having sufficient vittles!

        • #14445 Reply
          Erasmo Brenes

            Hi John,

            Diane and I will be attending. See you then.


          • #14446 Reply
            Steve Leo

              Jan and I will be there too!!!

            • #14453 Reply
              howard Bland

                Howard and Katherine Bland will attend. Thanks

              • #14466 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Howdy, and the Picnic is coming up fast! We’re trying to make this a little special, and look forward to seeing you all there!

                  A couple of things: If you are attending, and have not signed up on the Ride List, please do so, or at least let me know via email if you are coming. [email protected]

                  Secondly, please let me and Beth know what you would like to bring, if you haven’t already: Appetizer, side dish, or dessert. This is best done by email, [email protected]

                  Thirdly, I’m bringing my ball and glove, and would love to have a catch!


                • #14470 Reply
                  David Eastly

                    Nicole and I will be there. I’m bringing chips and dips, and a “corn-hole” set.

                  • #14481 Reply
                    Warren Belkin

                      Elycia and I are planning to be there

                    • #14486 Reply
                      Pete Rissman

                        I’ll be there and I’m bringing blueberry muffins. I’d bring my lawn darts too, but I can’t find ’em. 😉

                      • #14492 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          Very glad to have you there, Pete!

                          Great Picnic, and thanks to All for making it so!

                        • #14494 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            MANY THANKS to Beth & John and everyone that made this years picnic one of the most attended events in a long time. Karen & I enjoyed all the foods available, especially the Cheetos !!

                          • #14495 Reply
                            Ron Zablocki

                              Another one for the books! 👍

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