Club Merchandise: available through Nov 4th

Club Merchandise: available through Nov 4th

Forums General Club Merchandise: available through Nov 4th

  • Creator
  • #20796 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      No, we don’t sport patches or ‘jump’ you in.  We’re BMW riders after all.  But we DO wear plastic name tags and SCBMWRC-branded gear with pride!

      Show your club pride and be properly marked for the next group photo.  Now is the time to order your gear.  The merch store is open now through November 4th.

      We have hats–the cool tri-fold kind–, T’s, and polos, as well as cold weather gear: poly weight pullovers, long sleeve polos, heavy weight 1/2 zips, and long sleeve T-shirts.  In addition, if you were miserable this summer, get your super wicking, high viz, evap cooling vest and club branded water bottles.

      In order to keep your costs down, orders will be collected now through the 4th of Nov at which time they will be submitted in bulk.  Your merchandise will then be produced and mailed directly to you.

      Order at this link!

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    • Author
      • #20802 Reply
        Sergio Collazo

          The hats are great.  I fold em up and toss them in my work computer bag.  It is very convenient to have a ball cap anytime you want relief from the sun.  Their ability to fold makes them a game changer.  I just ordered two more.

        • #20881 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            Who else?  Who else has enjoyed South Coast gear?

            Share how, when, and where you wear your South Coast gear.

            I’m buying two water bottles.  I always keep water in one and use the other to mix up Propel and/or Gatorade.  It’s also time to replace my cooling vest.  The zipper is coming out of the one I have.

          • #20986 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              The store is still open so don’t wait until the last day.  Buy your club gear now!

            • #21061 Reply
              Eric Wolf

                Hi South Coasters,

                Just a reminder that we’re closing in on the last week to get your club gear.  Buy now at this link!

              • #21480 Reply
                Steve Leo

                  SCBMWRC Merchandise Order Update:

                  As we extended the buy period for the SCBMWRC merchandise to the middle of November, the merchandise is still in process…that means it is at the embroiderer/screen printers being decorated. With the Holiday rush and Thanksgiving closures the merchandise is taking a little long than we hoped. It looks like we will have the merchandise completed and shipped by December 15.

                  I will update here as soon as I have more information.

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