Christmas Party Success

Christmas Party Success

Forums General Christmas Party Success

  • Creator
  • #11507 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      It was great to see everyone last night at the annual Christmas party, especially the new member faces!
      Cannot say Thank You enough for the Tripp’s hosting for the third year in a row, such gracious host family!
      It was good way to kick off the Holiday Season!
      Thank you Rob and Kellie, and Happy 50th Kellie!

    Viewing 7 reply threads
    • Author
      • #11508 Reply
        Chris Roady

          HEAR HEAR .. many thanks to all for coming and especially to our hosts extraordinaire!!

        • #11509 Reply
          Brandon Wilson

            Kellie / Rob –

            Not to pile on, but I will. Your generosity to open your house once more to host is beyond generous and gracious. Happy birthday again to Kellie and hopefully next year we can figure out how not to make it your house 🙂

          • #11510 Reply
            Jessie Vaca

              Kellie & Rob, you guys are the best. As Always it was a great Xmas party. Love the gift exchange and seeing everyone in civilian attire!

            • #11517 Reply
              Richard Catarineau

                Yes, Kellie & Rob are great hosts! A tough act to follow!!!

              • #11518 Reply
                Rob Tripp

                  We really enjoyed hosting the party to start off the holiday season. Merry Christmas to all!

                • #11520 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    And, thanks from the Crittendens! Very much appreciate the hosting with the mosting!

                  • #11521 Reply
                    Erasmo Brenes

                      Thank you to all for making the party a great success again!!
                      Merry Christmas from the Brenes’s!!!

                    • #11522 Reply
                      Eric Wolf

                        Rob and Kellie,
                        Thank you for opening your home once again. Getting together with so many South Coasters, many of whom I am still getting to know, was beautiful. Isn’t it amazing that with everything we have going on personally we can come together and feel like family. You made that happen. It was fun and relaxing. Patrick and I were blessed.

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