Christmas Party 2021!

Christmas Party 2021!

Forums Calendar Events Christmas Party 2021!

  • Creator
  • #14896 Reply
    John Crittenden
      • We’re going for our semi-annual Christmas Party at Irv Seaver!
      • This will be a potluck, and of course, the  Club will have, at the very least, turkey, dressing/stuffing, and ham.
      • BYOB.
      • And, White Elephant (gift exchange, limit = $20).
      • Please sign up on the Ride List, and also email Beth ([email protected]), as to if you’re bringing appetizer, side, or dessert!

      Link to CalendarChristmas Party 2021!

    Viewing 19 reply threads
    • Author
      • #14911 Reply
        Bill Allen

          I’ll bring chocolate. It’s kinda my thing.

        • #14995 Reply
          John Crittenden

            We’re less than 2 weeks away from the Christmas Party—–Please sign up on the Ride List if you are going to be there, and if so, let us know what you can bring for the pot luck.


          • #14996 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              We are signed up and will be bring an accompaniment for the main dish! 🙂

            • #14997 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Karen & I will bring a side dish of sweet potatoes.

              • #14998 Reply
                Sergio Collazo

                  Sue and I will bring a charcuterie plate.

                • #15006 Reply
                  howard Bland

                    Howard and katherine Bland will bring desert! Thanks

                  • #15007 Reply
                    Pete Rissman

                      I’ll be bringing blueberry muffins.

                    • #15008 Reply
                      Pete Rissman

                        FWIW, I’ll also be bringing my “real” camera and a couple remote strobes to do some individual and group portraits, so you may want to adjust your wardrobe considerations accordingly.

                        Or not: The camera doesn’t care. 😏

                      • #15010 Reply
                        Erasmo Brenes

                          Diane and I will be attending. Will bring cookies for desert.

                        • #15011 Reply
                          Carl Tung

                            Carl Tung Will attend and bring spring rolls.

                          • #15012 Reply
                            Ed Taylor

                              Great party everyone. Linda and I had a blast. It was nice seeing old friends, love meeting the spouses. The gift exchange gave me some insight onto the warped minds we have in this club.
                              As Always We leave something behind. This time its red oven mitts. In the clean up I am sure they surfaced.


                            • #15013 Reply
                              Karl Wagner

                                Nice party, ditto seeing great to see everyone in holiday colors and catcch up a bit! Especially those not riding any longer and the non-riding spouses! Thanks again for those the club sponsored event and Irv Seavers for allowing us to celebrate in the showroom! Merry Christmas all!

                                (Sorry for the duplicat pics…. unable to delete second one… )

                              • #15017 Reply
                                Eric Wolf

                                  Fantastic event and a great reminder of why I love this club. You are fun, good folks to share conversation and a meal with. Oh, and we get to ride motorcycles. Wow, what a blessing! Thanks to Irv’s for giving us the event space. It made set up, seating, mingling, and clean up easy. Oh, and there were cool motorcycles to sit on and get pictures. Thanks Pete for the impromptu photo studio. I look forward to the pictures. (When was the last time Juliet and I stood for a couples shot? Marine Corps Ball, 2014, I think). Finally, thanks to John and Beth for pulling it all together. Excellent food choices. You guys worked hard behind the scenes and we appreciate you!

                                • #15018 Reply
                                  Ron Zablocki

                                    Sounds like a great time was had by all. Really wish we could’ve made it!

                                    Eric – Is an R18 in your future now?

                                  • #15019 Reply
                                    Eric Wolf

                                      Oh man Ron, they sure are beautiful. But alas, I’ve never been a cruiser guy. I grew up on sport bikes and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get used to riding with my feet in front of me. Weird.

                                      • #15020 Reply
                                        Ron Zablocki

                                          It’s not a Harley – they don’t have forward foot controls. It’s almost equivalent to a GS. 😉

                                      • #15021 Reply
                                        Pete Rissman

                                          I’m the Maintenance Manager for a contract pharmaceutical manufacturing company and December is maintenance-shutdown month. Basically, that means we shut down production and try to do 12 months worth of maintenance and upgrades in 3-4 weeks.

                                          The bottom line is I haven’t had the free time to process and post the photos I took at the Christmas party, but I hope to have that done by New Years Day.

                                        • #15022 Reply
                                          John Crittenden

                                            No worries, Pete! This was an unexpected Bonus.
                                            Thanks to all for making this work, and I hope you all had a Great Christmas with your biological Families (as opposed to BMW family)!

                                            I’ll have photos of the party for our next Newsletter (December’s been a super busy month for me also).

                                          • #15048 Reply
                                            Pete Rissman

                                              The Christmas Party photos I took can now be found here:


                                              Sorry it took so long to post them.

                                            • #15054 Reply
                                              John Crittenden

                                                Those are some great photos, Pete! Thanks. With your okay, and with the consent of each individual, would like to put some in the next Newsletter?

                                              • #15071 Reply
                                                Pete Rissman

                                                  Those are some great photos, Pete! Thanks. With your okay, and with the consent of each individual, would like to put some in the next Newsletter?

                                                  It’s fine by me, John. Those are the club’s photos, not mine.

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