Chief Joseph Rally

Chief Joseph Rally

Forums General Chief Joseph Rally

  • Creator
  • #15788 Reply
    Pete Rissman

      Are any other SCBMWRC members going to the Chief Joseph Rally in John Day Oregon? I’ll be arriving there on Thursday 06/16 (from Eagle Idaho) and leaving for home on Sunday morning 06/19 (via Penryn California).

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    • Author
      • #15789 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          If I’m over covid, I’ll be going. Riding up with Karl and Harry, but our plans are tentative right now.

        • #15795 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Hey Pete,
            Our plans have changed and it does not look like myself, Eric or Harry will be making the Chief Joseph Rally next weekend. Regrets. Have a good ride and enjoy the 50th Chief Joseph rally! Look forward to hearing about it.

          • #15806 Reply
            Pete Rissman

              Who’d a thunk it? I won the Chief Joseph Rally “Longest Distance Ridden To The Rally -Male” award.

              • #15808 Reply
                Harry Hoffman

                  Congradulations again Pete! That is a nice award to take home. Hope you have a good weekend and a wonderful ride home. Also, we would all like to hear more of your story and see some pictures too. Send them to [email protected]. I’ll include the rideup in the next newsletter. Thanks!

              • #15807 Reply
                Bill Reitz

                  Congrats Pete !!

                • #15809 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Thanks for representing South Coasters. Sorry I dropped out.

                  • #15812 Reply
                    John Crittenden

                      Well Done, Pete! You da Man!

                    • #15813 Reply
                      Pete Rissman

                        Well, I’m home. 2,798 miles since I left for the 7-passes ride on June 9th. My stops were Kernville & Sonora CA, Reno and Winnemucca NV, John Day OR, and Alturas and Penryn CA.

                        • #15814 Reply
                          Eric Wolf

                            Great job Pete! Thanks for representing South Coasters.

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