Central Coast Ride – Morro Bay Camp 4/21-23/2017

Central Coast Ride – Morro Bay Camp 4/21-23/2017

Forums Calendar Events Central Coast Ride – Morro Bay Camp 4/21-23/2017

  • Creator
  • #3931 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Central Coast in the early Spring, green hills, cool nights, maybe even a bit of rain…… We have 4 campsites this year which can handle 12 bikes and a bunch of people. The Inn at Morro Bay is the hot tip for a hotel, walking distance to the State Park and right on the bay.

      NEW – I was able to make a block reservation for 10 Standard Rooms, i.e. likely not on the bay. This is the best spot to hotel, right near the campground, which is our ride HQ, and on the bay! In order to get the rate of $165/night at the Inn at Morro Bay I needed to pre-pay for the rooms. Sooo, if you want one of the rooms at this great location, email me at [email protected] to hold your spot. I will collect non-refundable deposit checks of $200 at the November club meeting, or you can mail to me at 5014 Vista del Vegas, Torrance, CA 90505. these 10 rooms will go fast so please do not hesitate!

      There is also a Best Western and Comfort Inn a bit farther from the Camp Central in Morro Bay proper. All activities and meet ups will be at Morro Bay State Park Campground.

      Camping for the weekend is $30 per Bike for the two nights camping. We will have a catered barbecue dinner Saturday night, price tbd, and several great restaurants in the area for bfast and other meals.

      Plan on a relaxing beautiful weekend getting to, riding around and getting home from the Central Coast with the South Coasters April 21-23, 2017!

    Viewing 35 reply threads
    • Author
      • #3937 Reply
        David Omlor

          This was a most memorable ride last year – also led by Karl. I’m in!

        • #3941 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Thanks Bill, updated date posted, please update FB.

          • #3943 Reply
            Erasmo Brenes

              Is this place instead of El Capitan? 🙂

            • #3947 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Yes Erasmo, El Cap is getting a break so new roads can be found to ride.

              • #4185 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Hi Central Coast riders, please see the top post for an update as to the available housing!!! We have blocked out 10 rooms at the Inn at Morro Bay! This is a great inn right next to the campgound ride HQ. If you are interested in booking a room for the ride, email me at [email protected]!! See details above!

                • #4206 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    At this time, I’m in for camping. Don’t believe Beth will be on this ride.

                  • #4212 Reply
                    Roberto Giraldes

                      Hi Karl! I am going to follow John. I’m in for camping.

                    • #4213 Reply
                      Richard Catarineau

                        I’m camping!

                      • #4216 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          I’ll be camping too.

                        • #4218 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            Anyone else want in on the room at the Inn at Morro Bay?


                          • #4242 Reply
                            Paul Nelson

                              Gale and I have trailer resos Thursday through Sunday. Paul

                            • #4823 Reply
                              Karl Wagner

                                Hi South Coasters, I received an update call from the Inn at Morro Bay this morning letting me know we have just two more weeks, until March 20, 2017 to make reservations for those who wish to stay at the hotel under the club block of rooms. So, if you would like to stay in this nice hotel, walking distance to the Morro Bay State Park, please call:

                                805 772-5651 and make your reservation as part of the South Coast BMW Riders Club block of rooms. Do it today!

                              • #4824 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Roll Call!

                                  Please see below for who I understand are registered for this weekend. Those that have signed up on the Ride List sign up have first come, first serve parking at the campsites. Please see below, and if you are not signed up on the ride list, please do so. If you indicated you are going to be in a hotel room, but have not made a reservation, do so soon.

                                  If you have any question, please let me know. If we fill up camping, we will need to get additional sites.

                                  ******Camp with South Coasters- $30 per bike for the weekend************
                                  Rick Catarineau
                                  Lisa Catarineau
                                  Nicholas Okoneski
                                  Chris Roady
                                  Brandon Wilson
                                  Roberto Giraldes
                                  John Crittenden

                                  *****Own RV Campsite****************
                                  Steve & Jan Leo
                                  Paul & Gail Nelson

                                  *******Hotel- $165/night**********
                                  Karl Wagner
                                  Sharon Wagner
                                  Michael Pirosh
                                  David Omlor
                                  Barney Harris
                                  Lee Martin
                                  Brad von Grote (need to make Hotel reservation)
                                  Jessie Vaca (need to make Hotel reservation)

                                • #4825 Reply
                                  Erasmo Brenes

                                    Karl, I see that you are not camping!:-)
                                    Add us (Diane and I) to the camping list.

                                  • #4851 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      Erasmo, It would help greatly if you can sign up on the Ride List. Getting in the habit of using it will make the ride leaders job much easier. Yes, I will add you and Dianne, on the list. May need to park the bike in overflow, definitely the car.



                                    • #4852 Reply
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        Yes, when there is a bayside hotel within walking distance to the campground at this rate………I will pretty much loose everytime! :0

                                        I will be camping on the Anza Borrego ride in a few weeks, are you going?

                                      • #4854 Reply
                                        Erasmo Brenes

                                          Well, Diane checked out the hotel and overrode my camping 🙂
                                          We’ll be staying at the hotel as well, so you can free up our camping spot.
                                          As for the rider list, it is a pita the way it is implemented, so I’m not able to “join” the list 🙂

                                        • #4855 Reply
                                          Richard Catarineau

                                            Erasmo – you followed the Member’s Guide (on the Home page)?
                                            What exactly can’t you do?

                                          • #4903 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              Let’s have a Ride List training session around the campfire at Morro Bay!

                                              Good to hear you are in the Hotel…….sounds like Sharon and Dianne collaborated!!! 🙂

                                            • #4906 Reply
                                              Erasmo Brenes

                                                It’s a PITA to keep the email sent by your website. Since we can only post if we’ve logged in, why the additional hoops to jump? Shouldn’t it be as straight as one pushed button?

                                              • #4911 Reply
                                                Richard Catarineau

                                                  Agreed. I don’t like the design either. It could obviously be better, but it’s a free plugin and I can’t change that part.

                                                • #4912 Reply
                                                  Karl Wagner

                                                    Ok, this is a ride……..not a technical topic……apologies for the request. I appreciate the sign ups, and considering we are getting to our limit of spots in the campsites, I just wanted to know if we needed to rent another one…..

                                                    Now let’s ride!!! 🙂

                                                  • #5027 Reply
                                                    Karl Wagner

                                                      Sharon and I suffered for you all as we traveled to the Central Coast this past weekend and pre-rode the routes and made final plans in the area. The hills are green and the flowers are beginning to bloom! With the extra day this year we get to enjoy a very nice route in the central coast, have some amazing food and enjoy a relaxing weekend.

                                                      From the registration it looks like we will have 25 South Coasters on 23 bikes as of this time, going to be a party! If you have not registered, there are still rooms at the Inn at Morro Bay and we can fit a couple more tents in the RV spots if needed, do not hesitate to ask.

                                                      Please see the calendar event on the web page which will be updated with the current information.

                                                      Please see the top of this topic for the route files.

                                                    • #5035 Reply
                                                      David Eastly

                                                        Finally got my schedule sorted out, and I’m going – camping – riding – eating – etc. And yes Karl, I signed up on the ride list.

                                                      • #5038 Reply
                                                        Karl Wagner

                                                          Great to hear the Music Man will be on the ride!!

                                                        • #5040 Reply
                                                          Paul Nelson

                                                            Bummer, Gale and I are out of the Morro Bay ride (sad)

                                                            We sold our trailer!!! (glad)

                                                            Wishing you all a great time!

                                                          • #5043 Reply
                                                            Karl Wagner

                                                              Good to hear you sold the trailer you Paul and Gail!

                                                              Sorry to hear we will not see you two! (there is always the hotel, 🙂 )


                                                            • #5054 Reply
                                                              Richard Catarineau

                                                                It was a tough decision, but I’m going to miss the campout. My prepper group is going to Front Sight for handgun training that same weekend, and I really, really want my CCW. (Not that it will do my any good in Kali).

                                                              • #5113 Reply
                                                                Karl Wagner

                                                                  Hi folks,

                                                                  Please see the calendar item for the latest updates. As of today, with late registrations and change in plans, we have 21 bikes. It is going to be a fun weekend of beautiful Central Coast green, flower covered hills, great food, and BMW fellowship. I will need confirmations for the Saturday dinner by the time we leave our meetup, 9am, to place the order for dinner. We can do that at the meet up, or please let me know via this forum, text, call or email.

                                                                  See you all in Three Weeks!


                                                                • #5116 Reply
                                                                  Roberto Giraldes

                                                                    Hi Karl! I am not going anymore. Please, take my name off the list.
                                                                    Thank you.

                                                                  • #5117 Reply
                                                                    Karl Wagner

                                                                      Got it, thanks for letting us know. Please update the Ride List to assist planning.

                                                                    • #5261 Reply
                                                                      Erasmo Brenes

                                                                        Karl, Sharon,

                                                                        Thanks for putting a great weekend of riding. Great group of people. Had a blast!
                                                                        Till next year!

                                                                      • #5262 Reply
                                                                        John Crittenden

                                                                          Thanks, Karl and Sharon——Excellent weekend!

                                                                        • #5264 Reply
                                                                          Nicholas Okoneski

                                                                            This was my first multi-day ride. Karl, thanks for all your hard work and for making it a fun experience. And, Sharon, thanks for not letting me get too far behind!

                                                                          • #5268 Reply
                                                                            David Eastly

                                                                              Great trip! Thanks for your hard work, Karl.

                                                                            • #5270 Reply
                                                                              Karl Wagner

                                                                                Thanks to all who went, YOU made it a great weekend!

                                                                                I have to say thought that you photo David Eastly is quite interesting……so many expressions on peoples faces…and my profile communicates a serious need……………..

                                                                                Love it all!


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