Borrego Springs

Borrego Springs

Forums Rides Borrego Springs

  • Creator
  • #4576 Reply
    Jessie Vaca

      I was just wondering if there are any other people who do their camping in hotel rooms.
      I am thinking of going on this ride but I will stay at a hotel near by, do any of you care to split the cost of a hotel room?

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    • Author
      • #4577 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Good idea Jessie to group, we have not selected a hotel at this point, if we ride two bikes, may try and camp. But here are my recommendations:

          1) The Palms at Indian Head – liked the retro style hotel, not for everyone, decent restaurant.
          2) Borrego Springs Resort – Reasonably priced room, good quality facility, nothing fancy, good but reasonable restaurant

          Let us know where you stay, or anyone else. If we do not camp will try to align.

        • #4668 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Just checked the Reserve America website for Tamarisk Grove Campground, the new campsite venue per last weekends club meeting. It looks like all the sites and cabins are booked for this weekend, so we can camp in the two sites reserved by Tom White, or you can reserve a room back in Borrego Springs, about 10 miles North, if you do not wish to camp.

          • #4683 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              For those camping I read on the Tamarisk Grove Campground site there is NO drinking water at the site. You can buy water from the campground host.
              Motels might be available at Ocotillo Wells which is about 20 miles east on Hwy 78.

            • #4716 Reply
              Jessie Vaca

                Thanks Karl, I just checked and all cabins are booked for the dates of this event. 🙁

              • #5002 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  It looks like 9 people are signed up for the ride on the ride list, likely a few more who did not sign up.

                  Question: How many can fit in the two campsites we have booked? How many can we fit in the two sites? Tom?


                • #5003 Reply
                  Chris Roady

                    Not sure if I’m in your count of 9 Karl, but I just signed up on the ride list also.

                  • #5004 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Hey Karl, Mr. White is in Mexico this weekend so probably won’t get back till Monday.

                    • #5005 Reply
                      Brandon Wilson

                        Guys – FYI as I will be riding solo to the campsite on Friday. I am going to put in 1/2 day of work so I don’t have to burn the vacation day. I plan to be at the campsite around 4. Not sure if that will be ahead of the group or behind the arrival.

                      • #5006 Reply
                        Troy Stone

                          Hello Guys,

                          New member here who is planning on attending as well. Looking to Camp and arrival early afternoon. We will be on a RT and K1300s. Looking forward to meeting those who attend and we have not had the camping gear out since like 99′ so no laughing!

                        • #5007 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Looking forward to meeting you, Troy! And we promise not to laugh. Well, at least, I won’t.

                          • #5011 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Looking to be a nice group, not sure if Tom White is back from Mexico yet, or a awake. We will just fit the tents where we can, there is plenty of desert out there!!

                              See you Friday afternoon!


                              • #5012 Reply
                                Jacob Furgatch

                                  Hello all – I am new to the group and this will be my first outing. I am signed up to camp and ride from Irv Seeavers on Friday morning. I just looked up the camping rules and you are allowed 8 people per site so if we have 2 sites then 16 is the max. Each site accommodates trailers up to 21 feet so there should be plenty of parking. Here is the link to the camping.


                              • #5017 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Thanks Jacob, all the numbers appear to work, look forward to meeting you and riding with you this weekend. Save a tent spot for us late arriving working folk! 🙂

                                • #5020 Reply
                                  Brandon Wilson

                                    Love the fact all the new folks joining. Fun stuff. Sorry I won’t be riding with y’all but will see you later in the day. Like Karl some of us need to put in a few hours first :).

                                    Karl, what time are you thinking of leaving? We can ride down together if you want. I will be leaving from work in Irvine after lunch.

                                  • #5021 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      I am meeting Chris Roady at 1:00pm at the Starbucks on 74 just East of the 5 Freeway. It is on the North side of 74 in the first half mile East of the freeway. Let us know if that works for you.

                                    • #5031 Reply
                                      Brandon Wilson

                                        Karl, that works great. See you at one.

                                      • #5037 Reply
                                        John Crittenden

                                          Hey, if you all are riding over Ortega, I can meet you at the corner of 74 and Grand in Lake Elsinore, say 1:30-1:45.

                                        • #5039 Reply
                                          Karl Wagner

                                            Sounds good John, see you then. Will call you if anything changes.

                                          • #5047 Reply
                                            Brandon Wilson

                                              Karl, John: I might work from home Friday morning so John, if I do that I can meet you around your place and ride to Meet Karl.

                                            • #5050 Reply
                                              Brandon Wilson

                                                Karl, I am going to work from home. If I don’t hear from John I will meet you guys at the 74 and Grand about the time he suggested.

                                              • #5051 Reply
                                                John Crittenden

                                                  It might behoove us to see if we can snag another campsite, if possible. So whoever gets to Tamarisk Grove first, let’s see if we can, or put our name in.

                                                  Brandon and I will meet OC group at the 74 and Grand, at the end of Ortega Hwy at 1:30.

                                                • #5053 Reply
                                                  Karl Wagner

                                                    Ok, see you John and Brandon in Elsinore the the 74 and Grand as close to 1:30pm as possible.

                                                  • #5075 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      Thanks, Tom, for the deserty weekend! I had a good time, and a good ride home Saturday evening!

                                                      Very glad some new members made it—-Chris R., Jake, and Troy & Michelle.

                                                    • #5076 Reply
                                                      David Omlor

                                                        I’d like to thank Tom White for the weekend and the great ride Saturday – and to Danny and Larry for the appetizers generously shared. Great to meet the new members and share campfire stories!

                                                        I learn so much – especially that I need to learn how to pack better for these trips!

                                                      • #5086 Reply
                                                        Karl Wagner

                                                          Ditto all said above, always amazed at how well Tom knows the roads in that area, nice camp spot, great people and a good spread of camping and bike equipment to share gear recommendations. I was on the Kermit chair site today!

                                                        • #5090 Reply
                                                          Chris Roady

                                                            I’d like to add my thanks for a fun trip. Great riding, company and camping. Thanks to Tom for the Saturday ride and everyone else for being so welcoming to us newbies.

                                                          • #5091 Reply
                                                            Troy Stone

                                                              Hi Guys.

                                                              Great meeting everyone and enjoyed the campfires and location was awesome!

                                                              We also found a Bilt Liner XL after everyone left. Let me know if you are missing it. Michele and I are in Utah until the 1st and can make arrangements to reunite you with your lost item upon our return.

                                                            • #5092 Reply
                                                              Jacob Furgatch

                                                                Wow! What a trip! My first ever and it couldn’t have turned out any better. Thanks Tom and Chris for leading me out there, to everyone for making sure I made the turns, and thanks to Larry for leading me and Dave back home without a single mile of freeway. I burned almost the entire tank of gas. (Do I get credit for the extra miles??) That 18% grade uphill road was almost beyond belief. I will definitely be doing more trips with the group.

                                                              • #5094 Reply
                                                                Dale Sprosty


                                                                  The liner you found on the picnic table belongs to your’s truly. I will pick up at next meeting/when I see you.

                                                                  Thanks for posting.

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