Borrego Springs Ride November 4

Borrego Springs Ride November 4

Forums Calendar Events Borrego Springs Ride November 4

  • Creator
  • #9081 Reply
    Jessie Vaca

      Come join us for a nice ride this Sunday November 4th. We will start with Breakfast and General meeting at La Unica, 110 N Main St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, beginning at 09:00. After the meeting and breakfast we will take a picturesque ride on many backroads to Fallbrook, CA. We will stop there for gas and a bathroom break. We will then make our way by Lake Henshaw and on to the Montezuma Road that will take us into Borrego Springs. We’ll stop for some photo ops on the scenic overlooks before we arrive at our lunch destination, Kendalls Cafe @ 587 Palm Canyon Dr, Borrego Springs, CA 92004. We plan on getting there at about 13:00. We sampled the food at both of these locations and approve! We will then head back towards Temecula and an ice cream stop for Bill at Ziggys. We should be there at about 15:00 or a bit later. I have a GPS route but have not been able to post it as a gpx route. Brandon if you can, please do

    Viewing 26 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9082 Reply
        Jessie Vaca

          MyRoute gps file for the ride

          GPX Route

        • #9083 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Awesome sauce.

          • #9100 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Thanks for thinking of me Jessie BUT…. the ice cream stop is Siggy’s not Ziggy’s. Just in case someone is trying to Google it. But again, thank you.

            • #9105 Reply
              John Crittenden

                I will try to be there, if all goes well with Saturday’s 60,000 mile maintenance!

              • #9111 Reply
                Jacob Furgatch

                  Hopefully no one needs reminding but its daylight savings Sunday morning. If you don’t set your clocks back you will be showing up an hour early.

                • #9112 Reply
                  Ron Zablocki

                    Yes – an extra hour to sleep in! 🙂

                  • #9114 Reply
                    Bill Allen

                      I’m planning on making it to breakfast but I won’t be able to do the ride afterwards. I have to be back in Dana Point by 3:30 in order to pick up Paris from Play Group.

                    • #9115 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        Play Group? Cool!

                      • #9116 Reply
                        Bill Reitz

                          Karen & I will spend the day with you lucky South Coasters. We will be arriving with an entourage of, maybe, six friends. We will require a table near the front so we can see easily. 😎

                        • #9128 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            What an honor to have you Mr & Mrs R! See you all Sunday!

                          • #9133 Reply
                            Gerry Tywoniuk

                              I’ll be joining the ride too, and look forward to meeting y’all.

                            • #9135 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                Gerry if you’re in Huntington Beach or Fountain Valley there is a group riding from the Starbucks at Brookhurst & Ellis at 0715. Let me know if you’re interested.

                              • #9136 Reply
                                Gerry Tywoniuk

                                  Bill, I’m in the city of Orange so I’ll meet you at breakfast but thanks for letting me know.

                                • #9137 Reply
                                  Jacob Furgatch

                                    Hey everyone! I was planning on arriving at La Unica before 9am tomorrow but just looked at there website and they do not open until 9am.

                                  • #9138 Reply
                                    Jacob Furgatch

                                      Yelp site says 8am on Sunday but the restaurants website says 9am.

                                    • #9139 Reply
                                      Jacob Furgatch

                                        So I just called the restaurant and they said they don’t open until 11am!

                                      • #9143 Reply
                                        Karl Wagner

                                          Well, guess we will meet at this place and go from there to bfast….. :0

                                        • #9144 Reply
                                          Bill Reitz

                                            Jessie is at a music concert tonight so theres no getting ahold of him. Anyone else live in the area that knows a good restaurant ?

                                          • #9145 Reply
                                            Bill Reitz

                                              I Googled breakfast restaurants in Elsinore and found Annie’s Cafe which happens to be on the route we were gonna take after breakfast. 32251 Mission Trail #8, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530. It opens at 6am so maybe leave La Unica and head there, unless Jessie has a backup ?

                                            • #9146 Reply
                                              Bill Reitz

                                                On La Unica’s website Sunday is the only day they open at 9am, rest of the week is 11am.

                                              • #9147 Reply
                                                Jessie Vaca

                                                  everyone, la Unica opens at 09:00 on Sundays. The rest of the time they open at 11:00, they are expecting us.
                                                  At any case if something happened and they are not open there is another restaurant across the street!
                                                  Calm Down, no worries

                                                • #9148 Reply
                                                  Karl Wagner

                                                    Yeah Jessie, I knew you had things under control……. Don’t worry…Be happy everyone!

                                                  • #9150 Reply
                                                    Bill Reitz

                                                      Thanks for today’s Ride & Dine Jessie. You done REAL GOOD !!

                                                    • #9151 Reply
                                                      Karl Wagner

                                                        Good ride yesterday Jessie….. 12 hours of riding, sight seeing and breaking bread together…. yes and Ice Cream!

                                                      • #9159 Reply
                                                        Julie Roady

                                                          HEAR HEAR !!! Great loop Jessie.

                                                        • #9160 Reply
                                                          Karl Wagner

                                                            “Julie Roady” welcome to the conversation!!!!!

                                                          • #9167 Reply
                                                            Julie Roady

                                                              HAHAHA … not sure how I got logged in as Julie …


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