Borrego Springs Camping

Borrego Springs Camping

Forums Calendar Events Borrego Springs Camping

  • Creator
  • #9967 Reply
    Erasmo Brenes

      Couldn’t find a forum thread on this topic.

      Who is the ride leader? The ride list shows people indicating that they’ll be attending. Is that the total number of attendees?

      Are there any rides planned for Saturday?

    Viewing 24 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9969 Reply
        Rob Tripp

          On Friday we are all making our our way to Borrego Springs. Our campsite is Group #3.

          There is a ride schedule on Saturday, the ride leader and route will be determined Friday night.

        • #9970 Reply
          Mark Borgeson

            I was looking for a thread yesterday too. This will suffice (I’ll add a Link to the calendar event).

            Bill Allen is the ride leader but I think he delegated his responsibility to Prez Brandon. Smart.

            There’s sufficient info on the calendar link. In summary: get yourself to the campsite preferably sometime Friday, drink famous margaritas Friday night, Saturday’s ride to be decided over margaritas on Friday, get yourself home on Sunday. Bring food. Sounds good to me 🙂

          • #9972 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              Even though there’s no telling who signed up first, I’m claiming I did.

            • #9973 Reply
              Rob Tripp

                I think I signed up second.

              • #9974 Reply
                Erasmo Brenes

                  Thanks for the replies. Yes, I plan on riding in on Friday, with Diane arriving before me, as I’ll be leaving
                  from work.
                  I guess I’m claiming third? 🙂

                  See you then

                • #9975 Reply
                  Rob Tripp

                    I’m flexible on time Friday and route if anyone is interested in riding in a group.

                  • #9976 Reply
                    Chris Roady

                      I signed up 87th

                    • #9977 Reply
                      Bill Allen

                        If you are thinking that this event is planned a little “loose”, that was intentional. Yes, the official route to get to the campgound is in the “every rider for themself” concept. Personally, I will be leaving Dana Point around 11 am. If there are lost souls who cannot find the campsite, I can meet those souls at the Mobil station at the Pico exit off the I-5 in San Clemente. The route I will be taking will be I-5 south, to CA 76, to CA 79 to S2. It’s about 3 hours including stops.

                        The itinerary for Friday night starts off with Cadillac Margaritas at 5 pm and dinner at the campsite. Those so inclined can go into town and pick up groceries before margaritas. We will need ice and firewood. If you choose to get ice and/or firewood, get a separate receipt and you will be reimbursed. Also, if you pay for parking, get a receipt. You will be reimbursed for that also. Remember: no receipt, no reimbursement. We will plan the Saturday day ride on Friday night. Bring your nominations for routes and we will discuss. The author of the winning route will be the ride leader, but s/he can delegate that task. Don’t be shy. We will also select the person who will write the ride report for the SouthCoaster.

                        Saturday starts off with coffee and whatever breakfast you brought followed by the winning day ride. Saturday evening we will finish off the tequila and relive the ride of the day.

                        Sunday consists of coffee and stealing whatever breakfast is left over and policing the campground. The route home is the rider’s choice.

                        If there are any questions, post them here.

                      • #9978 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          However you get to the park, I’d avoid the Lake Elsinore area. Last Sunday there were 100,000 visitors -> 100,000 tourists visit Lake Elsinore on Sunday

                        • #9979 Reply
                          Mark Borgeson

                            Well phooey. I can’t go after all. I was planning on boarding my dogs but one of them is too sick to be boarded.

                          • #9980 Reply
                            Rob Tripp

                              I may meet you in San Clemente. I will confirm with you Thursday evening.


                            • #9981 Reply
                              Bill Allen

                                Mark Borgeson – crap!

                              • #9982 Reply
                                Mark Borgeson

                                  Bill Allen – Crap is literally correct. My dog, Milo, contracted Giardia.

                                • #9983 Reply
                                  Bill Allen

                                    Mark Boreson – That’s easily solved, right? Just a pill once a day!

                                  • #9985 Reply
                                    Rob Tripp

                                      What time will you be meeting at the Mobile station?

                                    • #9990 Reply
                                      Bill Allen

                                        “Personally, I will be leaving Dana Point around 11 am.”

                                        Based on the above, I will arrive at the Mobil station around 11:05, 11:10 at the latest.

                                      • #9991 Reply
                                        Eric Wolf

                                          Thanks for the updates Bill. I’m coming from Upland and will meet you all at the campsite in the early afternoon.

                                        • #9992 Reply
                                          Rob Tripp

                                            I’ll plan on meeting you at the Mobile station at 11:00.

                                          • #9995 Reply
                                            Bill Allen

                                              Rob –

                                              I guess that means I have to show up!


                                            • #9997 Reply
                                              Chris Roady

                                                Looking forward to a great weekend!!! Locked and loaded in Brea, see y’all in Borrego

                                              • #10005 Reply
                                                Erasmo Brenes

                                                  See you all tomorrow. Diane will be leaving after 11am, and I’ll leave from work around 1pm.
                                                  Forecast looks great!

                                                • #10014 Reply
                                                  John Crittenden

                                                    Alright! What a great weekend of riding—-Not a lot of miles, but the roads and company were top-notch! And very glad two of our newer members, Kep and Perk, were there!
                                                    Thanks, Bill A. for putting this together.

                                                    And, I know I needn’t remind all to send me a para or two and photos you want with, and I’ll put all 12 or 13 together for the next Newsletter.

                                                  • #10021 Reply
                                                    Brandon Wilson

                                                      Hey guys –

                                                      What a great weekend! Thank you Bill for organizing and the adventures. Here are the pictures I took from the event. Some repeats as I work on my focusing skills. 🙂


                                                    • #10026 Reply
                                                      Erasmo Brenes

                                                        Diane and I had a great time! Thanks Bill A for putting the event together.

                                                        John, I’ve got a couple of pictures that you may want for the newsletter. Let me know where to send them.

                                                      • #10028 Reply
                                                        John Crittenden

                                                          You can send them to me. A little write-up would be welcome also.

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