BOD Update

BOD Update

Forums Club Business BOD Update

  • Creator
  • #14138 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Thanks, Bill A. for your hard work on the Board.   And hope they’ll have you in the Peanut Gallery!

      Warren B. has taken over as Secretary.  Thanks, Warren!

      Which leaves us an open spot on the Board.    If anyone would like to serve as a Board Member, please contact me.   The pay is pretty good for a couple of hours a month.   Alternatively, you can tune in to our next Board Meeting (April 29, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom).

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    • Author
      • #14177 Reply
        Bill Allen

          Thank YOU, John for allowing me to serve the best BMW motorcycle club in Southern California. I hope to be riding soon and participating in club events as the progression allows. The good news is that the Peanut Gallery has accepted me as a full member!

        • #14180 Reply
          Chris Roady

            The Peanut Gallery … the non-encumbered sidelines where past BOD Members/Officers go to stay current with club shenanigans and relive, in the words of the most revered Bill R, “well, when I was …” …. welcome home Sensei.

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