Board of Directors Lineup for 2018-2019

Board of Directors Lineup for 2018-2019

Forums Club Business Board of Directors Lineup for 2018-2019

  • Creator
  • #7900 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Okay, we have a full slate for the next Board, and will need your Yea or Nay at the General Meeting 2 June!

      Prez—-Brandon W.
      V.P.—-Chris R.
      Sec—- Karl W.
      Treas—-Danny W.

      Board People:
      Jessie V.
      Roberto G.
      Bill A.
      John C.
      Ron Z.

      See you 2 June!

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    • Author
      • #7902 Reply

          Ya’all have my vote!

        • #7940 Reply

            Everyone has my vote. Unfortunately I will be at a wedding in Kernville.

          • #7941 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Bit of a revised slate:

              Prez—-Brandon W.
              V.P.—-Chris R.
              Sec—- John C.
              Treas—-Danny W.

              Board People:
              Jessie V.
              Roberto G.
              Bill A.
              Karl W.
              Ron Z.

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