BMW No Cal 49er Rally is in Quincy CA

BMW No Cal 49er Rally is in Quincy CA

Forums Calendar Events BMW No Cal 49er Rally is in Quincy CA

  • Creator
  • #15220 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Just received the notice this years 49er Rally is in Quincy CA. It is it a very sweet spot of No California riding area way up North. Going to leave a bit earlier but I think this will be well worth it!

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #15221 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Thanks for the heads-up Karl!

        • #15226 Reply
          Rob Tripp

            I’m registered for the 49er. My place is available for anyone looking to split the route up to Or back from Quincy.

            • #15227 Reply
              Ron Zablocki


              • #15229 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Thanks for the offer Rob, wouold be great to hang with you guys before the rally. Will see how the plans shape up.

              • #15237 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Y’all beat me to this! The 49er Rally is now on the Calendar, with the pertinent information.

                  Link to Calendar NorCal 49er Rally

                • #15256 Reply
                  Brandon Wilson

                    That is one heck of a day ride; it might be worth enjoying some slab time to get there but I am sure the riding around there will be excellent.

                  • #15264 Reply
                    Bill Allen

                      That is one heck of a day ride; it might be worth enjoying some slab time to get there but I am sure the riding around there will be excellent.

                      Although I’ve done that ride several times, I’m no longer interested in that kind of riding. I’m more into flower sniffing rides these days. If I did go, I would break it up into two days. The problem with that is that two (OC to Bishop) of the six days would be terrible.
                      Yes, there is a lot of nice riding up there, particularly CA 70. The recent fires might have done some damage to the landscape but the road is still great.

                    • #15358 Reply
                      Pete Rissman

                        I’m now officially pre-paid and registered for the 49er rally.

                        I’ll be leaving the OC early enough on Thursday morning (May 26) to get through LA before the commute traffic builds and I’ll be riding straight to Quincy in “get there” mode. Of course I’ll be stopping for gas, a fast-food lunch, and to shake some circulation back into my legs if needed, but that’s about it. I used to live in Quincy and had family here in the OC, so I’ve done this drive in a car a few times and it’s taken 8-9 hours. So barring complications, I anticipate arriving at the fairgrounds before 4pm.

                        Let me know if anyone has similar travel plans and would like to ride together.

                      • #15359 Reply
                        Sergio Collazo

                          Bill, if the stars align just right, I should be able to make it. If I do attend, I would plan to “haul tokus” to get there in an expeditious yet safe manner and ride straight there. I will be able to confirm before end of this month.

                          Get out early and get there early seem about right to me.

                        • #15372 Reply
                          howard Bland

                            Howard Bland has signed up for this event>

                          • #15450 Reply
                            Sergio Collazo

                              I am signed up for the 49er event.

                            • #15517 Reply
                              Pete Rissman

                                As I’ve posted before, I lived in Plumas County from 1980 through 2001 and the majority of that time I lived in in E. Quincy on Fairground Road about 200′ from the main gate of the Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds. Consequently, I’m familiar with the area so here is some information for those of you who will be camping at the 49er rally:

                                There’s a gas station / convenience store / car wash (pressure washers) on the corner of Fairground Road and Hwy 70. It’s a quarter-mile (5 minute) walk from the fairgrounds and it’s a good place to buy beverages, snacks, ice, and to hose off the bike if you muck it up. FWIW, I met Clint Eastwood and Bernadette Peters there in 1989 when they filmed some scenes for Pink Cadillac at that location.

                                Anyway, within walking distance of the fairgrounds (less than a mile) there are 2 grocery stores, Chinese, fish & chips, and Mexican restaurants a donut shop, a bar, and 2 auto parts stores (NAPA & O’Reilly). Downtown Quincy is less than 2 miles west on Hwy 70 and there’s a whole lot more to be found there including my favorite breakfast spot EVER: Morning Thunder.

                                The bottom line is you can leave your freeze-dried food at home if you’d like because there’s plenty of fresh food available close to camp. Instead of camp food I’ll be packing a frying pan and pot that works on my Jetboil. To keep stuff cool in camp I’ll pick up a disposable foam cooler and ice.

                                And there you have it!

                              • #15518 Reply
                                Sergio Collazo

                                  Great point Pete. I was wondering how to handle the food situation. It seems like cooking on your own isn’t even necessary with restaurants near buy. A cooler with ice cold drinks is definitely enticing.

                                • #15521 Reply
                                  Karl Wagner

                                    Boy Pete, you are the tour guide extrodinaire….. 🙂 First Prescott, now Quincy… Where have you NOT lived? 🙂
                                    Thank you!

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