Forums General Big Sur – VENUE/RIDE CHANGE

  • Creator
  • #8918 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Howdy folks,

      Sadly, I am forced to change the venue for our November campout. The Big Sur location was sold out at the 180-day mark, and the premium resorts are not equipped to handle our motley crew. I made the decision to visit Pinnacles one more year. For next year, we can be a bit more aggressive on the date if we are to enjoy Big Sur as a group.

      For some, this will only be a one year repeat. For others, this will be the third year, but that group is VERY limited (myself, Mark, John, and Rick). I won’t have quite the production that Mark left as his legacy, and it will remain intact. I will start a ride post closer to the date and plan on making it a memorable one as best I can. I have a group site reserved to accommodate 20 folks. Hope to see you there!

      Sorry for those who were looking forward Big Sir.

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    • Author
      • #8932 Reply
        Mark Borgeson

          Sign me up. I’ll be there on a bike this year.
          I hope we can have a real campfire this time.

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