August General Meeting

August General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events August General Meeting

  • Creator
  • #5980 Reply
    Larry Troffer

      The August General Meeting will go at 9:00 a.m., Sunday, August 6th, outside the new Starbucks recently opened at the intersection of Antonio Parkway and Ortega Highway in the Sendero Marketplace.  The meeting starts at 9:00 so if you want a refreshing beverage from Starbucks, arrive early.  They get busy at 9.  The meeting will be followed by a ride for those so inclined.  Destination and route to be determined.  Click here for calendar event.

    Viewing 20 reply threads
    • Author
      • #5983 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          The first ride of the new club year, yahoo!

        • #5997 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Hey Larry, that is cool the way you like the Forum Topic to the Calendar Event, AND the Calendar Event to the Forum Event! I need a tutorial at the club meeting!!

            (Yes Rick I anticipate this is all in the forum instructions or the FAQ’…….I am a bit challenged…..)

          • #6000 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Karl, that’s the way it’s supposed to be done! And, yes, the instructions are all on the Board Only Guide! Thanks, Larry!

            • #6002 Reply
              Larry Troffer

                Karl I’m just a dumb ol’ Marine. If I can do it . . .

              • #6005 Reply
                Brandon Wilson

                  Bummer that I will miss this ride but I will be at the board meeting Saturday. I head to Prague for business Saturday night.

                • #6023 Reply
                  Bill Allen

                    Larry – I didn’t say that!

                  • #6028 Reply
                    Bill Allen

                      FYI, the start time is 10:00 am on the ical file…

                    • #6037 Reply
                      David Eastly

                        Any news on the ride to follow?

                      • #6043 Reply
                        Bill Allen

                          I could go for some pie.

                        • #6048 Reply
                          Larry Troffer

                            I have a couple of routes in mind for a ride after the meeting, one about 210 miles and the other about 150 miles. That’s from Starbucks and back to south Orange County. The longer route should take about four and a half hours on the motorcycle; the shorter about three. We’ll stop for lunch and take another short rest or two along the way. Both routes run east and south from our meeting location. The weather guesser on TV says it’s going to be hot – be prepared. Bill, just for you, the longer route includes pie and ice cream.

                          • #6049 Reply
                            Bill Allen



                            • #6050 Reply
                              Ron Zablocki

                                Any GPS files for the routes yet?

                              • #6051 Reply
                                Karl Wagner


                                  There may or may not be a gpx for a day ride. They are more informal and just a function of the ride leader. Larry is a good ride leader and will have nice day ride.


                                • #6052 Reply
                                  Ron Zablocki

                                    Thanks Karl – Are you planning on attending the meeting? If so, are you up for riding down together?

                                  • #6099 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      We are trying to make the meeting Ron, about 50/50 chance right now due to other life demands. If we make it I will coordinate with you. I think you phone number is on the ride list, if not mine is 626 483-4009

                                      • #6100 Reply
                                        Ron Zablocki

                                          Karl – If you can make the meeting, call or text me at 949-232-6991 to arrange the meetup.


                                      • #6105 Reply
                                        Larry Troffer

                                          The ride I lead after the general meeting will be the shorter of the two I had in mind. We’ll travel about 160 miles from the meeting location and back to the same place, about three and a half hours on the motorcycle. Lunch stop after about two and a half hours. Sorry pie lovers – no run to Julian on this trip. I’ll save that for pi day.

                                        • #6106 Reply
                                          Larry Troffer

                                            Here’s an attempt at a gpx file.

                                          • #6108 Reply

                                              Thanks Larry. It was a fun ride. I absolutely enjoyed it. Thanks to Trish for keeping up with the rider count and making sure no one was left behind. Good coordination..

                                            • #6109 Reply
                                              Chris Roady

                                                My thanks as well Larry for a fun ride and a good bit of new road to me! Ended up with 248 miles.

                                              • #6110 Reply
                                                Bill Reitz

                                                  Great ride and group today Larry & Trish (we all know she steers him). The lunch was excellent !! Thanks from Karen & I.

                                                • #6111 Reply
                                                  Dale Sprosty

                                                    Great ride Larry and Trish, as usual. Happy birthday Trish!!

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