April South Coaster is HERE

April South Coaster is HERE

Forums Newsletters April South Coaster is HERE

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    • #12206 Reply
      Chris Roady

        Another fine edition, thank you B

      • #12207 Reply
        Brandon Wilson

          Thanks Chris – I now know the healing properties of pictures. It was fun to go throgh some of the old rides 🙂

        • #12208 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Thanks for the memories Brandon and good words from you and Chris.

            Not sure how long this Stay at Home order will be necessary or what the “New Normal” of social interaction will be for the near term before a vaccine is determined, but I anticiapte as soon as we can move about in some manner resposibly we should all support this great country and go RIDE!
            I am thinking I may pull a Forest Gump sort of ride, just pack the bags, tent, clothes, camp kit and RIDE! I soo look forward to this and speding some time with riding buddies…… until then, the pics help!
            Now back to working on my bikes…… 🙂

          • #12213 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Nice to go for a ride… down memory lane!

              Some classic pictures there – thanks Brandon!

            • #12214 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Nice pics, Brandon!

                My favorite is Eastly in the Kermit chair.

              • #12215 Reply
                Brandon Wilson

                  @Bill @Karl, @Rick, thanks guys. @Bill that is my favorite one too. We were all a little tired 🙂

                • #12217 Reply
                  David Eastly

                    It’s on, B!
                    Although it speaks to the soothing comfort of the coveted and iconic chair.

                  • #12218 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      With OR Without the Sr. leg extenstions is the question…… 🙂

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