April South Coaster is HERE

April South Coaster is HERE

Forums Newsletters April South Coaster is HERE

  • Creator
  • #15425 Reply
    Harry Hoffman

      Enjoy reading about all of the fun places we’ve been.
      Be sure to sign up on the website for the future rides. See you on the road!

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    • Author
      • #15427 Reply
        Mark Borgeson


          A SCBMWRC rally, $10/wk rentals from Irv’s, Presidents (besides Bill W) actually doing something, AND 25 cent raffle tickets??? Why did I leave… Ohhhh, never mind.

        • #15431 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Great job as usual, Harry!

            • #15451 Reply
              Harry Hoffman

                Thanks John. Much appreciated! Oh, that was a good April fools Prez message! Ha ha ha ha.

            • #15447 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Another great edition Harry! The Baja trip looked epic, and gave me flashbacks of joy from dirt adventures through Catavina, San Quintin, Canyon de Guadelupe, etc.

                • #15452 Reply
                  Harry Hoffman

                    Thanks Chris! Part 2 Baja Adventure is coming in next month’s edition. There were just too many pictures and stories to tell in one edition. One day, I’d love to hear about your adventures in Baja!

                • #15449 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Thank you Harry, great info well presented!

                    • #15453 Reply
                      Harry Hoffman

                        Thanks Karl! I appreciate your kind review. 🙂

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