Anza Borrego Hotel/Camping Weekend: Jan 13-15, 2022

Anza Borrego Hotel/Camping Weekend: Jan 13-15, 2022

Forums Rides Anza Borrego Hotel/Camping Weekend: Jan 13-15, 2022

  • Creator
  • #18225 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hi South Coasters,

      You may have noticed that I’m taking over this ride for Sergio.  He’s had an unforeseen work commitment.  Fortunately for me, he’s already done most of the work! 🙂  See the event page for the full details but in a nutshell, we’ll be camping and hoteling in and around Anza Borrego.  If you’ve never been to this area, experienced the spring wildflowers, ogled the massive iron sculptures, ridden the southern board wadis, or eaten at the the boutique dives in downtown Anza, then you are in for a treat.

      We’ve reserved two campsites at Borrego Palm Canyon Campground with max capacity of 8 per site for a total 16 people and any number of tents.

      There are a few hotels in Anza.  One that Sergio picked out, The Palm at Indian Head, has a 4.5 star rating and is located near entrance the park.  It has quite a bit of history; notable Hollywood legends such as Clark Gable, Will Rodgers, and Marilyn Monroe have graced this establishment.  Rates ranging from $140 – 160 per night.

      More information will follow.  Come Ride With Us!

    Viewing 21 reply threads
    • Author
      • #18229 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Anza Riders,

          Thanks for the quick response to my email on who’s hoteling and who is camping.  That helps me keep track of the available 16 camping spots.

          I’m happy to say that we still have plenty of space!  In fact, I can accommodate another 10 campers.  If you are new to moto camping or want to get your feet wet, come on out.  Or give me a call and I’ll talk you into it!  There is tons of experience in the club and you’ll have plenty of help; and a great time.

        • #18230 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            Anza hotel group,

            If you are willing to share a room with someone, please post that here.  I know of one rider who is looking for someone to room with.  Thanks

          • #18233 Reply
            Ed Taylor

              Eric, Count me in as a camper.  “eaten at the the boutique dives in downtown Anza” what do you know I don’t about Anza?


            • #18234 Reply
              Ed Taylor

                Eric, Count me in as a camper.  “eaten at the the boutique dives in downtown Anza” what do you know I don’t about Anza?


              • #18277 Reply
                Pete Rissman

                  Yo Eric:

                  In your initial post you refer to Anza, and I believe the correct reference should be Borrego Springs. That’s where The Palms at Indian Head is and where the “boutique dives” are. I used to do a lot of quail hunting around Anza and there isn’t much there unless things have changed a LOT since then.


                  • #18279 Reply
                    Willis Ho

                      Anza Riders, Thanks for the quick response to my email on who’s hoteling and who is camping. That helps me keep track of the available 16 camping spots. I’m happy to say that we still have plenty of space! In fact, I can accommodate another 10 campers. If you are new to moto camping or want to get your feet wet, come on out. Or give me a call and I’ll talk you into it! There is tons of experience in the club and you’ll have plenty of help; and a great time.

                      Hi Eric,
                      Happy New Year!
                      I will share a hotel room with Howard.
                      • #18283 Reply
                        Eric Wolf

                          Hi Willis,

                          Thanks for the update.  I’m glad you’ll be with us!

                    • #18284 Reply
                      Eric Wolf

                        Hi South Coasters,

                        Happy New Year! I’m excited about our Anza weekend, or as Pete correctly pointed out, I should be referring to our camping weekend at Anza Borrego State Park, near the town of Borrego Springs.  In any case, it is shaping up nicely.  We have 17 signed up: 8 campers, 6 in a hotel, and 3 mystery people, possibly sleeping under the scorpion ; )

                        We have plenty of room so make your New Year’s Resolution to get out and ride more with the club, beginning with our first weekend ride of the year.  Come Ride With Us!

                      • #18295 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          I wanted to make this ride, but family is here that weekend.  If anything changes,  will let you know.

                          • #18299 Reply
                            David Voorhees

                              Is anyone staying a hotel other than The Palm, which is apparently booked up?

                              David Voorhees

                          • #18300 Reply
                            Willis Ho

                              There are some chance of afternoon shower on 1/14 and 15.

                            • #18302 Reply
                              Ric Magrath

                                David, I am booked at the Palm Canyon Hotel and RV Resort.

                              • #18303 Reply
                                Eric Wolf

                                  Hi All,

                                  Like the rest of you, I’m anxiously watching the weather and so far it looks good on Friday with a chance of rain on Saturday and less of a chance on Sunday.  That said, we’re still on track with everything.  In the meantime, I wanted to get some more info out, particularly calling attention to the desert art  installations around Borrego Springs.  I’m attaching a couple of maps and have pasted some pix in here.

                                  The plan is to ride down on Friday, do a grand loop on Saturday, including lunch at Fillippi’s, then we’ll spend a leisurely day on Sunday zig-zagging around BS taking in the art.  I’ll get gpx files out tomorrow but for now, take a look at this article, Sky Art Sculptures of Borrego Springs, and if you haven’t already signed up, please consider coming out to ride with us!

                                • #18308 Reply
                                  Pete Rissman

                                    I have a fairly close friend who is an atmospheric scientist (essentially a meteorologist with a PhD) for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and he doesn’t hesitate to remind people that the weather doesn’t answer to the weatherman and that trying to forecast the weather more than 3-4 days out with any degree of confidence is a fools game.

                                    With that in mind, I think I’ll postpone any concern about the weather during this ride until next Tuesday or so. Next Saturday sure looks good for the Rock Inn ride, though.

                                  • #18315 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      Packing starts Sunday! Looking forward to the ride and camping under the stars! 🙂

                                    • #18351 Reply
                                      Eric Wolf

                                        Hi All,

                                        Weather looks about the same: Friday good, chance of rain on Sat, and rain likely on Sunday.  But, we are still on.  Keep checking back.  Blessings.

                                      • #18353 Reply
                                        Eric Wolf

                                          And here are the promised gpx files.  I’m also including a narrative and picture of the Friday, Saturday routes.  Mucho thanks to Pete R for taking my lame files and fixing, adding to, bettering them!  He’s a genius!!

                                          Pay close attention to the KSU and gas info.  Be on time and ready to ride.

                                          FRIDAY TRIP FROM IRV SEAVER TO PALM CANYON CAMPGROUND.

                                          –   9:00 AM KSU
                                          • Total distance is 158 miles.
                                          • Trip duration is approximately 4 hours 15 minutes.
                                          • Estimated arrival time in Borrego Springs is 1:30 PM.• There’s a bathroom stop at the El Cariso Firefighters Memorial (20 min).

                                          SATURDAY DAY RIDE

                                          – 8:00 AM KSU
                                          • Total distance is 242 miles.
                                          • Estimated trip duration is approximately 6 hours 30 minutes.
                                          • Lunch at Filippi’s Pizza Grotto in Jamul (1 hour).
                                          o Estimated arrival time is 11:00 AM.
                                          o 142 mile mark.
                                          • Gas stop is at the 7-Eleven station aprox 0.3 miles past Filippi’s.
                                          o 143 mile mark.
                                          • Estimated return to Borrego Springs is 2:30 PM

                                          Please hit me up with your questions.

                                        • #18363 Reply
                                          Eric Wolf

                                            One other thing: We’ll plan on stopping at the store at the bottom of Ortega Hwy in Lake Elsinore if anyone wants to meet there.

                                          • #18365 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              Thanks Eric, looks fun. Looking forward to the weekend, a little rain only makes the stories better! 😉
                                              Bring your rain gear and a tarp all! 🙂

                                              Any off-road interested riders? Let me know if you are, we will find the dry trails, great views, with no sand…….

                                              • #18381 Reply
                                                Karl Wagner

                                                  Just to be clear…. this is in the Desert……. Desert = Sand……. In case I was not clear….

                                              • #18428 Reply
                                                Eric Wolf

                                                  Hi Everyone!

                                                  Good stuff, Karl!

                                                  Thanks for the forum thread and FB buzz.  Lots of good info floating around.  We have a motivated group of 20 split about 40/60, hotel/camping.  Routes are set and I’ve double-checked things with the campground.  What’s left?  Packing.
                                                  I’m still watching the weather faithfully but I know (as well as you do) that we can easily talk ourselves into believing that it’s time to build the arc; the sky is falling, end of the world!  If we let concern get the better of us, we’ll find some reason to cancel.  In reality, rain is likely starting around 2:00 pm on Sat and it will rain throughout the night but ending by the time we wake on Sunday.  Totally doable.  Here’s the link I’m watching,
                                                • #18439 Reply
                                                  Steven Bennett

                                                    I’m in for the ride to Borrego, then heading back home. Rain too risky to stay the weekend. See you at Irv’s

                                                  • #18449 Reply
                                                    Karl Wagner

                                                      Thank you Sergio and Eric for setting up this weekend ride and leading the group. Good group, excellent getting to know the new members a bit more around the campfire and at meals.

                                                      Home at 3:30pm after solo ride home with a bit of off-road in Anza Borrego and slow run in the rain over Ortega Hwy.

                                                      Already looking forward to the next one! 🙂

                                                    • #18454 Reply
                                                      Ed Taylor

                                                        Who said it never “blows that bad at Anza Borrego…”

                                                        I had the best time, Thanks to everyone who made this trip memorable.

                                                        Thanks Eris and Sergio for organizing and leading.   Just left to be done, cleaning the sand out the gear and getting ready for the next outing.

                                                      • #18455 Reply
                                                        Brandon Key

                                                          Thanks to everyone on this ride for making me feel welcome as a new club member and for nursing me down off the hill in that freezing rain and fog!  I had a great time!  Thanks especially to Eric and Sergio for organizing such a great event!  For those of you who didn’t stick around for the Sunday ride out to Salvation Mountain you really missed something special!

                                                          Is someone going to organize a photo site?  I have several I would like to contribute.

                                                        • #18456 Reply
                                                          Eric Wolf

                                                            Photos here.


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