Club Picnic—9 July

Club Picnic—9 July

Forums Calendar Events Club Picnic—9 July

  • Creator
  • #15762 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Our Club Picnic is coming up 9 July, so time to sign up on the Ride LIst, either Yes or No, preferably Yes.

      As usual, the Club will provide barbecue meats/main dishes, drinks, utensils/plates, condiments.    Please let me or Beth know ([email protected] or [email protected]), or post here if you will be bringing an appetizer, side dish, or dessert.

      As in the last several years, the venue is Yorba Regional Park, starting at 10 a.m. 9 July.  There’s lots to do there—-bicycling, they rent boats at the lake, walking, sitting under a tree, games.     I will be there by 8 to pick out a good spot, with shade, etc.  (Feel free to come early if you want!).

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

      LInk to Calendar SCer Annual Picnic!

    Viewing 8 reply threads
    • Author
      • #15769 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Tons of fun last year. Thanks John and Beth for leading again!

        • #15815 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Another Call to sign up on the Ride List. Please! Just a bit more than 2 weeks. And to let Beth or I know what side, appetizer, dessert you are planning on bringing.

          • #15824 Reply
            Erasmo Brenes

              Diane and I will be attending. We’ll bring a Quinoa Salad.

            • #15825 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Thanks, Erasmo and Diane

              • #15849 Reply
                David Eastly

                  Dave and Nicole will bring a cooler with ice, cole slaw and a giant banner.

                • #15853 Reply
                  Carl Tung

                    Carl and Connie will bring Asian seafood egg rolls.

                  • #15854 Reply
                    John Crittenden

                      Thanks to all for a great Picnic! Excellent food and friends! I’m gonna miss Presidenting over you all!

                      A couple of notes: Two cooler bags were left behind. If you want them, I can return them to you, otherwise I will add them to the leftover Picnic supplies.

                      Also, a coffee thermos/mug was by one of the tables. Let me know who it belongs to!

                      Thanks again.

                    • #15864 Reply
                      Gilbert Galvez

                        Good turn out of club members in our picnic. It has been fun having you John as our president. I hope you will still be joining the club rides and participate planning on rides for the group. I know the new group of board members has a lot of enthusiasm to make our club better. Just what Eric said, he has big shoes to fill and we will be behind him for support.

                      • #15865 Reply
                        Gilbert Galvez

                          Good turn out of club members in our picnic. It has been fun having you John as our president. I hope you will still be joining the club rides and participate planning on rides for the group. I know the new group of board members has a lot of enthusiasm to make our club better. Just what Eric said, he has big shoes to fill and we will be behind him for support.

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