Forums Calendar Events ANNUAL CLUB PICNIC

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  • #22875 Reply

      Hi Members,

      Summer is coming and that means Sun, Fun and BBQ.

      Saturday, 27th July is our club picnic at Yorba Regional Park. Don’t forget to register here

      Show up at 10 am with your side dish and lawn chairs.  Get to know your riding buddies and family a little better.  We’ll eat at noon.

      An “A” team of top chefs will be flipping burgers and grilling brats to perfection and ex Pres. Brandon W. will be smoking up some of the best ribs you will ever wrap your lips around.

      Come out for this fun day, relax with your riding family, enjoy great food and be part of the SCBMWRC.

      Post to this forum the potluck dish,  you will be bringing, that will make our mouths water .!

      • This topic was modified 1 week ago by Eric Wolf.
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    • Author
      • #22961 Reply



          HEY EVERYONE !

          If you have not registered for the club picnic you better get the lead out and get your name on the list. Here is the link to the registration page.

          Don’t forget to post to this forum and let everyone know what delicious side dish you will be bringing.

          Your team of chefs will be grilling burgers, dogs and brats. All the trimmings will be laid out for you to build the burger or hotdog of your dreams. Don’t forget Master Smoker, Brandon’s, famous ribs. You have not tasted BBQ until some of those ribs caress your hungry lips.

          Come out and enjoy the day with the family of SCBMWRC members. Join in the fun!





        • #22976 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Lorna and I will be bringing pie!

          • #22998 Reply
            Reggie Thompson

              Will bring Street Corn!

            • #23012 Reply
              Willis Ho

                Will bring fruit plate

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