• Creator
  • #21320 Reply
    Ric Magrath

      Hi Members

      Christmas is fast approaching and the plans for the club’s annual Christmas Party are well underway. I trust you have all saved some time on your calendar for this event. Thank you to all those that have already registered. It really does help with the planning of events. Surprise.!!!   Your names will be entered into a drawing, on the evening, for a $100.00 Irv Seaver Gift Certificate. (Good things happen when you register!)  For those not yet registered, here is your chance to join in. Register before the end of November and your names will be added to a second drawing, on the evening, for another $100.00 Irv Seaver Gift Certificate. So mark your calendar, make the commitment and register for what will definitely be a great evening.


      Pete R will have his professional photo booth set up, so be sure to dress in your best and take advantage of this chance to get some Christmas pics of you and your spouse / partner.


      Always a big hit and never disappoints in bringing laughter to the evening is the “Gift Exchange”. Bring a gift and be part of the fun. We suggest a $25.00 gift value limit. (Ask Steve L how many times his gift was stolen last year.)



      The club will be providing Ham and Turkey as the main dish.

      We ask members to bring a dish to share.

      If your last name starts with;

      A – E       Appetizers / Starters

      F – K       Salad

      L – S       Side Dish

      T – Z       Desert

      The above is a suggestion but if you have a “must bring” dish please do!

      I ask that you all post to this forum with the Potluck dish you are bringing so I can keep the menu updated.



      The party will be at.


      Irv Seaver BMW Motorcycle.

      607 W Katella Ave, Orange, CA 92867


      Date and Time

      Date: December 16th Saturday

      Time: 6:00pm

      Thank you all.

    Viewing 18 reply threads
    • Author
      • #21330 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Well done Ric.  And the gift certificate is a super bonus!

          Juliet is once again counting her blessings for marrying a Wolf and getting to bring DESERT!

        • #21343 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Lorna and I will be bringing desert as well.

          • #21380 Reply
            Ric Magrath

              Hi Members,

              Irv Seaver BMW Motorcycle is collecting toys to support the CHiPs  Annual Kids Toy Drive. What a great opportunity to support our local BMW Motorcycle dealer, the CHiPs and the children in the community. Bring a unwrapped toy to the Christmas Party and donate to the drive. There will be a separate bin at the party for you to place your donation in. Lets fill the bin!

              CHP’s Annual CHiPs for Kids Toy Drive is Underway!

              If you have not registered for the Christmas Party yet there is still time. Register before the end of November and you will be entered in a drawing, on the evening, for a $100.00 Irv Seaver Gift Certificate.

              Our Christmas Party Potluck Menu is ready for your dish! The menu currently looks like this;

              Appetizers / Starters………………….1  Travers and April B

              ………………….2 Ed  and wife T


              Side Dish………………………………….?

              Desert………………………………………1 Eric and Juliet W.

              ……………………………………………….2 Ron and Lorna Z.

              Check the start of this forum for where you fit into the menu and post your dish.


            • #21387 Reply
              Travers Bell

                Travers and April will bring an appetizer, most likely a veggie and dip tray.

              • #21390 Reply
                Ed Taylor

                  We will bring a Caprese appetizer plate.

                  Ed Taylor

                • #21395 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Karen & Bill are bringing a fruit salad.

                  • #21476 Reply
                    Ric Magrath


                      There are two days left to have your name entered for a drawing of a $100.00 Irv Seaver Gift Certificate, but you have to come to the Christmas Party to have a chance and you have to register on the event page before the end of November! Hurry!

                      Can’t think of what to bring for a “potluck” dish. There will be chaffing dishes for warming food if you are thinking of a hot dish, or a fresh salad is always a winner.  Don’t leave us guessing, post your dish!!!

                      Our Christmas Party Potluck Menu is ready for your dish! The menu currently looks like this;

                      Appetizers / Starters 

                      1  Travers and April B.   Veggie and dip platter

                      2 Ed  and wife T.  Caprese appetizer plate.


                      1. Bill and Karren R.   Fruit salad

                      Side Dish

                      1. Jan and Steve L.   Spinach Gratin


                      1 Eric and Juliet W.

                      2 Ron and Lorna Z.

                      Check the start of this forum for where you fit into the menu and post your dish. Thanks, to those that have posted already.

                      Don’t forget a unwrapped toy for the Irv Seaver toy box to support the Annual CHiPs Toys for Kids Drive.

                    • #21495 Reply
                      Jan Leo

                        We will bring Spinach Gratin as a side dish.


                        Yum! That sounds delish. Thanks Jan and Steve.

                        Ric M

                      • #21513 Reply
                        Eric Wolf

                          Hi Ric,

                          I’m really looking forward to our annual Christmas party and like that we are able to help Irv’s fill the bin with toys for kids this season.  That’s a great addition.

                          Admin note: I changed the organizer to YOU and added myself and Juliet as attendees.

                        • #21515 Reply
                          Ric Magrath

                            LESS THAN FOUR HOURS TO HAVE A CHANCE AT A $100.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE .

                            Register for the Christmas Party before the clock strikes 12:00 tonight and your name will be entered for the drawing. Of course you also have to attend the party! Just two weeks away.

                            Don’t forget the Potluck!

                            Can’t think of what to bring for a “potluck” dish. There will be chaffing dishes for warming food if you are thinking of a hot dish, or a fresh salad is always a winner.  Don’t leave us guessing, post your dish!!!

                            Our Christmas Party Potluck Menu is ready for your dish! The menu currently looks like this; (Kind of sad looking right now.)

                            Appetizers / Starters 

                            1  Travers and April B.   Veggie and dip platter

                            2 Ed  and wife T.  Caprese appetizer plate.


                            1. Bill and Karren R.   Fruit salad

                            Side Dish

                            1. Jan and Steve L.   Spinach Gratin


                            1 Eric and Juliet W.

                            2 Ron and Lorna Z.

                            Check the start of this forum for where you fit into the menu and post your dish. Thanks, to those that have posted already.

                            Don’t forget a unwrapped toy for the Irv Seaver toy box to support the Annual CHiPs Toys for Kids Drive.

                            • #21659 Reply
                              Steven Lewis

                                Steve Lewis side dish: Mashed Potatoes.



                                Thanks Steve.

                            • #21660 Reply
                              Willis Ho

                                I will bring a Caesar Salad.

                                Willis H.



                                Thanks Willis.

                              • #21664 Reply
                                Ric Magrath

                                  Hi Members,

                                  Our Christmas party is almost here! Don’t forget your Potluck dish. What are YOU bringing????

                                  Many thanks to those that have already confirmed your potluck dish.

                                  Bring a wrapped gift and join in the gift exchange / steal, always a hoot! ($25 gift value suggested.)

                                  Help us support Irv Seaver BMW Motorcycles as they support CHiP’s Toy Drive for Kids. Bring a unwrapped toy to donate to the cause.

                                  Thanks and see you all soon.

                                • #21666 Reply
                                  David Eastly

                                    Dave and Nicole are coming. We’ll be bringing an appetizer. Maybe something shrimp-y.

                                  • #21667 Reply
                                    Thomas Watson

                                      I will bring fresh-baked cookie bars.


                                    • #21670 Reply
                                      Ed Taylor

                                        Great Christmas party.  Thank you Ric for all your efforts.

                                        It was great seeing all of you. Who ended up with the gnomes?

                                      • #21671 Reply
                                        Ron Zablocki

                                          It was a most excellent party – thanks Ric!

                                        • #21672 Reply
                                          Ron Zablocki

                                            From Robin Lee on Facebook:

                                            Anybody go home w our serving spoon? SHRADER is written on the back in permanent marker. I would appreciate having it returned.

                                            • #21677 Reply
                                              Ric Magrath


                                                The spoon in question was still at the party when I returned Sunday afternoon to collect remaining equipment, remove trash and make sure things were left presentable for Irv’s party. So, it seems it went home with no one and in fact had been left behind.  Looking pretty sad with remains of sweet potato still on it’s face. The tattoo on it’s back showing signs of being well handled and almost completely gone. I gave it a bath and stuck it the top case of my bike. It will be in attendance at the General Meeting at the Rock Inn.

                                            • #21695 Reply
                                              Eric Wolf

                                                Great Party Ric!  Thanks to all South Coasters who came out.

                                              • #21699 Reply
                                                John Crittenden

                                                  Thanks, Ric, for all your work on the Xmas party.  And I understand that Danny and Elaine helped out.

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